whey(not a ship just my electric boi)

107 6 2

this is really short but i hope its decent-


Months of training

Dozens of short circuits

Endless nights 

But today, it will pay off. 

After Midoryia finally got his quirk under control with Grand Torino, I knew I could do it with mine. I actually became close friends with Mei from the support course, since she was the one that worked on my gear.

Today in Hero Training I would finally show how far I had come. For the past month or two I had actually been faking the short circuits, and not using my quirk as much as I could because I wanted to have an extreme difference when I did show that I had improved.

No one really knew about this, so I was excited to see how they would react.

"Alright, today we are doing doubles. The class will split into ten groups of two and whoever's team can stay standing the longest wins. Me, Ms. Midnight, and Mr. Aizawa will be monitoring and as soon as you aren't able to fight we will pull you out," All might boomed as we all walked onto the training pad. It reminded me of the battle grounds at the sports festival.

I ended up getting paired with Aoyama. We walked over to our sector, and he started to talk about the plan.

"Well Monsieur. Kaminari, why don't we save your quirk incase we are in a jam. Try to stay below your voltage, I can't fight with a dumb teammate."

"Yeah, just don't go gettin' a stomach ache"

The siren went off for the fighting to start (Rock doesn't know how to right fight scenes so bare with me) and I sprinted out. I ended up in a fist to fist with Koda, before knocking him out. Luckily he wasn't able to get any animals out before I clocked him in the jaw. 

The ground started to vibrate and I flung my head around, spotting Jiro. I bolted over, only to be thrown on my ass by her amplifying her heart beat. I blinked over to the side and saw Bakugo and Aoyama fighting, with the latter not doing too well.

My attention shot back to the approaching girl. Now was the perfect chance.

You see, as close as me and Jiro are, she constantly teased me about my quirk. I got off of the still-vibrating ground and got ready. Jiro smirked at me.

"No where to go Pikachu. Can't use your quirk too much either. Wouldn't wanna leave your poor partner-" She nodded over to the blonde, who was about to pass out"- might as well gi-"

I let out the same voltage that would have stumped me before, only a bit of it actually getting her. I didn't want to kill her, just knock her out. Apparently this got the attention of the rest of the-still conscious -class.

Jiro looked at me in shock, before collapsing. Mr. Aizawa ran out and collected her limp body, and I continued to fight. Time to test out my new weapon. At this point Aoyama was limping off clutching onto his stomach. I spotted Kiri off to the side.

I ran over to him, drawing out a copper rod from my waist band. I started a small charge, since he would be getting wacked and electrocuted at the same time, and hit him in the back with it. He had barely had time to harden himself and fell to the ground.

"Guess we cant call you 'short circuit' anymore?" He chuckled.

"Nope. It's Chargebolt now." And I kicked his red headed ass off the training pad, rendering him out of bounds and out of the fight.

I realized at this point that it was me and Bakugo left. He looked absolutely pissed. I held up my copper rod and charged myself up. He started a few small explosions in his palm.

Closing my eyes, I sent a quick prayer that what I was about to do wouldn't kill the asshole.

In through the nose, out through the mouth.

I felt everything around me become electrically charged. I opened my eyes to an unconscious Bakugo and the rest of the class looking at me with a mix of horror, shock, and amazement. i stopped the electricity, before collapsing from exhaustion. 

I crawled over to the explosive blonde. He still had a steady pulse, maybe a little fast but still nothing serious. He might have a scar, but it should be fine. His new hero costume protected most of him.

I looked back up at my class, who had started to gather.

"Dude, what the hell!?" "How are you not brain dead!" "Well thats new" "When did that become a thing" "Cool weapon!" "I need to take notes on this, wheres my book" "Could you always do that?" A series of questions bombarded me, but I couldn't handle all the noise.

The last thing a said before passing out was a simple,



jkjk that ended up being 806 words. I really want to see my boi gain control of his quirk in canon, but for now I must make it like that in my little book of shit. I love Denks so damn much its not funny

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