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(you guys should check out my draco edit on insta @invznity please and thanks 🥺✨)

"you're awake, thank god!" harry exclaimed seeing the malfoy heir flutter his eyes open.

"w-where am i?" he was still in unbearable pain, but he desperately needed to know why the hogwarts golden boy was kneeling, looking so sleep deprived, next to him.

"you're at my house i-," the brown haired boy couldn't even finish his sentence before draco was rattling him with questions.

"i'm where?! did you touch me potter? i bet you did! you didn't change my clothes did you? stupid pervert you are! dumb, stupid git!" he tried to fathom what his current situation entailed and immediately fired up his defense mechanism of interrogating the, totally not hot, boy in front of him. and what riled malfoy up more was that all potter did was laugh, laugh at him! he would've punched the griffindoor if he wasn't in so much pain.

"i'm not a pervert dragon. i changed you yes, but i didn't look, you do remember we have magic don't you?" he chuckled again lightly.

draco flushed at that remark. he totally forgot wands existed for a minute. not his fault potter was a prick.

"hmm, i don't really believe you potter! but fine i'll go along with what you say just give me a healing potion please. body hurts." the boy whimpered our slightly, his mean demeanor fell as he paid mind to his injuries.

"of course dray, here," he handed the abused boy the vial of liquid, "now are you gonna tell me what happened?" his voice got quieter and more concerned.

draco was in for it now.

tell potter i'm weak? never.

tell potter what father did? not a chance.

tell potter i desperately just want someone to love me for once in my life. yea no, not happening.

but have potter bug me about it for the rest of my, probably short, life? nope.

"f-fine potter. i'll tell you. but not all at once i just can't i-," he was cut off by harry placing his larger hand in his fragile one.

"take your time. don't rush, i don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. i just need to know what happened so i can help make sure it never happens again. i'm not gonna judge you draco. you can tell me anything."

the shaking boy started with the emotional abuse, working his way up to the physical abuse, he took his time just like harry instructed. by the end of the night he had specified every detail and harry was pissed. no he was more than pissed, he was over come with so much anger he tucked draco into bed and kissed his forehead before immediately apparating to malfoy manor, to pay a certain someone, a nice visit.

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