Chapter 6

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Hueloooo I don't own mcu cause I'm lame that way😔

It was lunchtime, so Anna took them to the cafeteria to eat lunch.

They walked in, and Abe asked why certain spaces were almost devoid of people, but others were crowded.

"Well, there's different levels in the cafeteria. The more crowded spaces have the lower to mid interns because their lunchtime is right now, whereas the higher level interns eat after them. The Avengers also have their own private space, but they mostly eat in their little living space, which is the highest few floors." Anna explained.

The Meme Squad decided to sit with the group, and not in their normal spot, because that would have raise some questions.

Flash must have been immortal, because there's no way he's been alive this long with no brain cells. Why is this you ask? Well, he thought he could win over Shuri. Yes, even after she punched him.

Flash strutted up to them. "Hey baby," he said, winking at Shuri. Said girl immediately had a disgusted look on her face. "Sorry if I made you mad earlier. Do you wanna come to my table and we can talk a bit, and get to know each other?"

Peter didn't want people to die, so he used all his super spider strength to make sure Shuri didn't murder him. Even then, it was hard.

The girl spat in his face. "You are so lucky Peter doesn't like it when our friends and I kill people, otherwise you'd have been dead the second you stepped in this tower." She directed her attention to Peter. "Can I please get one punch? Just one?"

Peter stubbornly stayed where he was, and the bully got the message. He hurried off, and Peter slowly released his grip on her.

Shuri glared at his retreating form. "He is so lucky you are a cinnamon roll with super strength, Peter."

"Nice one, Shuri," MJ said, high-fiving the girl.

"Speaking of cinnamon rolls," Peter cut in. "You guys want some?"

They happily ate their cinnamon rolls until they heard a bang from the ceiling.

Ned grinned. "Is that a bird in the vents?" He said innocently. Out of all the Avengers, he knew Clint the second best, Bruce being the first, so he wasn't really fanboying over the archer.

Shuri laughed, but Peter groaned internally. Now Clint was coming to embarrass him.

"Why yes, I think it is," Shuri snickered.

There was another bang, louder this time. They repeated, getting louder, until they sounded like they were right above the Meme Squad. The rest of the class looked nervous, but Anna and the Meme Squad knew better.

Then, the cover of the vent in the ceiling gave way with a crash, bringing the archer with it.

The class jumped, but Ned, MJ, Peter, and Shuri were too busy cracking up. Anna allowed a smirk, but controlled herself.

Clint stood up with a pout. "Guysssss," he whined. "It's not funny!"

MJ snorted. "Sure it isn't, archer chicken." She'd called him that since his "superhero name" was Hawkeye, and he's an archer.

The class looked mortified. Did she really just call a deadly assassin and Avenger a chicken?

Clint huffed. "I told you to stop calling me that!"

"Do you really think she's gonna listen?" Peter laughed. May as well say something since everyone knows he's here.

"No," Clint mumbled. Then he brightened up. "Hi Peterrrrr, I haven't seen you for like two daysssss! I'm your Uncle Clint, how could you not make time for me?"

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