Open Floor Plans

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June 30th 2019


"You know, you don't have to come with me." I remind Annie. "I'm a big boy, I can handle this."

"You'll be eating those words when I find water damage in the floorboards later, which there definitely will be." She insists. "Plus, I've been known to be a good haggler."

A side of Annie has come out in the past few days that I haven't seen before as we go house hunting. What was once the easy-going 24 year old woman I used to know has become a prickly realtor in her late 40's with a pantsuit, savagely picking apart homes with phrases like "Oh, this place is a pigsty!" and "You could do so much better than this." I've also learned she watched a lot of HGTV in her free time.

Today, we're looking at a house a bit further from the beach as I'd hoped, but still a great view of the ocean, nonetheless. Also a tad bigger than I wanted. I wanted something small and cozy, like Annie's place. Well, if I had it my way, I'd just stay put there. But, right now didn't feel like the best time, with the end of summer en route and me having no idea if I can even stay here permanently.

When Annie asked if my management was okay with me moving down here, I may have bent the truth. To be honest, I haven't even told them. There's no point, I know what they're going to say. I can hear Jil's voice saying "You're career is in LA, you can't move!" But, I've had enough asking permission for things in my own life like a teenager. I shouldn't have to be told what to do or what I want. I know what I want. And it's not in LA anymore.

"I think you're gonna like this one best." Annie prattles on. "It's in a good neighborhood, for starters. Full of snobby rich assholes, like you!"

"Ha ha, very funny." I antagonize at her joke.

"I am serious, though. A couple of my students live up here. It has a pretty strict HOA, but if you ask me, the view is worth it."

And she's not wrong. As we pull into the driveway, I realize the pictures online don't do it justice. The eggshell colored house sits on a hill, overlooking the rest of the town that bleeds into the ocean. LA sure as hell doesn't have any views like this.

A woman I assume is the realtor of the house sits waiting on the porch. Clad in a bright blue pantsuit and white stiletto heels, I chuckle to myself, as I imagine this is what Annie's alter ego might look like.

"You might be Mr. Styles!" She says as we approach. "Hi, I'm Rhonda Stoneson with Stoneson Realty. You must be Harry!"

"Yes m'am." I greet as she shakes my hand.

"And this is?" She says, turning to Annie.

"Oh, I'm Annie." Annie introduces.

"Amazing, this house of perfect for a couple!" Rhonda gushes.

"Oh no, I'm not-" Annie starts.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Friends?" Rhonda asks, which makes me almost choke trying to suppress my laughter.

A blush rises to Annie's own cheeks and, before she can't respond, I say, "Cousins, actually."

"Well...alright!" Rhonda exclaims, not sounding sure about how to respond to the conversation. "Let's just get right to it, then!"

"Cousins, huh?" Annie mutters as Rhonda leads us into the front door.

"More like 'loosely related, twice removed!' type cousins." I tease.

"You're gonna regret saying that later tonight, Styles." She says with a wink. Try as she might, but this woman never fails to leave me in awe with only a few words.

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