Chapter Six

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Disclaimer: I sadly do not own the Lost Boys.


She could smell the sea salt in the air, the dew melding onto her skin. Her heartbeat sounded like a drum in her ears. She grew weak and she grew out of breath. But she did not care. This moment was one that she would cherish. One that she would keep with her for the rest of her days.

Her first kiss.

Paul's hands still cupped her face tenderly, but his kiss was anything but. The rough wood of the boardwalk pillars burrowed into her back with the force in which he was pushing into her. It seemed like he could not get enough of her. Nina raised her hands from where they were resting on his chest and grasped handfuls of his golden locks so she could pull him closer.

He made her happy.

He made her feel safe. And above all he made her feel like she was the only girl in the world.

Standing up on her tippy toes, she leaned into him further and moaned her approval. His taste was beyond compare. She though ice cream was good. It had nothing on him. Paul had just become her favorite desert. At the sound of her bliss, Paul stiffened under her hands and let one hand trail from her face to her hair, running his hands through it gently.

Nina wanted him closer. She wanted this to last forever. But alas we do not always get what we want. Her vision was beginning to blur and her lungs were on fire. She really and truly needed to breathe.

Breaking away from Paul, she whispered against his lips, barely a whisper, "Do you realize how good you taste?"

Now under normal circumstances, she may have understood that this was not the right thing to say to him at the point in time. But when did she ever listen to that common sense part of her brain.

Oh right. Never.

His eyes had darkened beyond their beautiful baby blues into that of a midnight sky. The look he was giving her was carnal and underneath her palms, she could feel the rumbling occurring in his chest. But instead of being terrified, Nina's breaths started coming out in breathy pants and she leaned closer into Paul. He was so warm... so inviting.

Knowing that she had him hook, line, and sinker, Nina leaned forward and ran her nose up the column of his throat, stopping to nibble at his Adam's apple. Her words were but a purr as she murmured, "I never want to leave your arms."

Pressing her body even closer to his, Nina seemed to notice his not so tiny problem and she smiled a quiet little smile. She affected him as much as he affected her. This just served to boost her confidence even more.

I have never felt this way before. He makes me feel warm... alive. I feel like I can start living my life. But only if he is by my side.

I don't think I can live without him now.

Paul's POV

Was she trying to kill me? That was the only thought running rampant in his head as he released her and turned his back to the only woman that had managed to affect him like this in all his years. Paul had never witnessed the mating bond; he had only heard stories over the years. He had ignored them and continued to party away his eternity. Never in a million years did he think that he would find her.

His mate.

His darling Nina. She was fragile yet so strong. She had a will of steel and a heart of gold. Paul would never be able to fully understand why the fates paired her with a burn out like him but he is not one to complain when a blessing is thrown in his lap. That present being a curvaceous blonde with eyes that threatened to make his knees weak. Their kiss had shook him to his core and nearly collapsed all his control. He could not get close enough to her. He was practically devouring her. And then she just had to say that he tasted good. That is the one thing that you do not say to a male. Let alone a vampire. Now all he could think of was how good she would taste. If only he was just thinking about her blood.

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