Chapter One

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Disclaimer: I do not own or make profit from The Lost Boys.

AN: This was actually the first fanfiction that I ever published and I thought I would bring it over to Wattpad. Enjoy :)


The warm, ocean air filled her nostrils and danced through her hair. Night had fallen over Santa Carla and the evil and the odd came out to play. Lights gleamed off of the outstretched mass of water that lay before her. Nina Matthews sat on a lone rock all by herself, looking at the lonely coastline before her. Music from the popular boardwalk reached her ears and she found her eyes closing, trying to relax her troubled mind and stiff form. She had come to the shore to get away from her stepfather. Since their move to Santa Carla not even one week ago his beatings had grown worse and more frequent. Tonight's had been especially horrible. As usual he had slapped her hard across her face and kicked her a few times, but tonight he did not stop after a few kicks. He just kept going until pain radiated from everywhere and each breath hurt worse than the first. Melody, her step sister who had been watching the whole scene and laughing, surprisingly had been the one to pull him away from her.

Nina had crawled up the stairs to her bedroom, sobbing the whole way. After cleaning herself up she changed into her clothes and sat in her bedroom, waiting for night to fall so she could sneak out. When it was dark enough outside she climbed out her window and hopped onto the back of her motorcycle and made her way to the boardwalk. She had parked her bike next to her good friend Max's video store; which was just across from the stretch of beach that she sat on. Max had been the only person she had confided in. they had met while Max was on a business trip two years ago. She had been walking into a building while he had been walking out and they had bumped into each other. They had got taking and quickly became great friends despite the age gap. She learned to trust him. Over time, she gave him all the details of her messed up life. When he returned to Santa Carla, they kept in touch through the phone and letters. He had been there for her when she needed someone. She had told him she was moving but not where. She had wanted to surprise him.

The beach seemed to be the only place that offered her well needed peace. It gave her a place to think about what her life had become in just the short span of five years.

Her life had been like this for years, ever since her mother died. Malcolm, her stepfather, had always treated her differently as she grew up. Making her do more chores, snapping at her for everything, and punishing her for anything. She had learned to get used to it.

Running a shaky had through her hair, Nina absentmindedly looked down at her watch and nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw the time. It was almost time for the sun to come up.

Taking deep breaths, she arose from her seat on the rock. Nina had been there longer than she had expected. Trying to get home quickly, she began to jog to the steps that led to the boardwalk. With the boardwalk almost empty it seemed too quiet. It gave her chills, causing goose bumps to cover every inch of her body. The clothes she was wearing weren't helping either. Tiny shorts, tank top, flip flops, and her favorite mini leather jacket. From the looks of the remaining men she knew it was not a good idea.

Trying to walk at a faster pace, Nina failed to hear the footsteps approaching her from behind. The video store was just around the corner. Nina could make out its bright neon sign. It read in bright, bold letters Max's. Her bike was just a few feet away now, its red and black paint job practically glowing underneath Max's sign.

Nina let out a sigh of relief at seeing her baby. That relief was short lived when she felt a strong arm wrap around her waist and pull her into the dark alley beside her. She drew in a breath to scream but a hand covered her mouth before she could make a sound. Hot tears ran down her face in trails. Breath fanned over the back of her neck, the smell horrid, as a horrible voice whispered in her ear," Now what is a pretty lil' thing like you doing out here all by yourself?"

Nina could feel his free hand that had been around her waist run across her ribs and up toward her breasts.

"Bad things could happen."

When his hand brushed the underside of her breast she snapped. Her foot slammed down onto his causing him to groan in pain and his grip to loosen slightly. Taking the chance, she took off running down the alley. Nina was almost around the corner when she felt a hand tangle in her long, blonde hair and dragged her back into the blackness of the alley. He forgot to cover her mouth this time and so she drew in a deep breath and screamed," Help me. Please help me."

Her attacker's hand slammed onto the side of her face, making her dazed for a minute. She felt his grip on her hair tighten as he inched her closer to the brick wall. His hand reached down and fumbled with her shorts, trying to get them off, while his other hand went around to cover her mouth again. She kicked and pushed as hard as she could but he did not budge an inch.

Seeing it as her only chance, Nina bit down into the fat flesh of his hand. He snatched it away from her with a curse. Her mouth free again, she yelled out," Help-"

Her words were cut off when the stranger brutally smashed her face into the rough brick wall behind her, making her see stars and black dots in her vision.

Her attacker snarled near her ear," Be quiet, bitch."

Nina felt her energy and strength flow out of her due to the magnitude of the blow and darkness began to cloud her vision. Her attacker was suddenly ripped away from her and, with no support, her legs gave out beneath her and she fell to the hard, cold ground.

In the distance, she thought she heard a low growl and a muffled scream. Dozing in and out of consciousness, Nina felt warm, wet fingers touch the side of her face, but she didn't flinch away in fact she leaned into the touch. Her vision was blurry when she tried to open her eyes and see her savior, and she could only make out the hazy form of a man crouched down beside her. The last thing she heard before she fell into a deep slumber was the most wonderful she had ever heard say," You're safe now. I've got you, baby."

AN: Review and give me some feedback if you enjoyed.

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