Part.3 The Happiness

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It's 12 pm after Kang Gary take Jihyo go home.After take a shower Jihyo just lay down on couch,she's smile thinking that she and kang gary finally together....suddenly jihyo's phone rang~~ Jihyo look her phone and smile again,it was kang gary,her baby~~


Gary : Hello...Jihyo ah...are you already sleep?

Jihyo : ooh...oppa...nope,i just lay down on couch,what's wrong ?

Gary : No...just want to hear your voice before sleeping....i see you tomorrow ok,goodnight and dream of me ok...saranghae....

Jihyo : Haha...arraso...i will dream of you,goodnight...saranghae too oppa...


Running man member came early this morning to make a Rage Virus Episode,the member become agent who will find the vaccin to make people can laugh again.In this episode Jaesuk is the Yoomes Bond again and Jihyo is the culprit who stole the vaccin.And the game is end with Yoomes Bond is the winner again.


Gary : Jihyo ah...i'll wait for you in the parking ok...

Jihyo : Arasso oppa,wait for me ok,i'll tell my manager first that i would go out with runningman member.

Gary : Ok...take the jacket ok it's... cold.

Jihyo : arasso...


Jihyo walk to where's the manager park the car,she told her manager to go first cause she want to drink with others member,the manager understand and go home first.And Jihyo go back to the parking and meet Gary who was wait for her in the car.


Gary : Jihyo ah...take this jacket with you,it was cold outside,you can get cold...

Jihyo : Gwenchana oppa....i already wear should put the jacket too,you can get cold too should take care of your self too...

Gary : Arasso jihyo ah....anything for you...

Jihyo : So where do you want to take me?

Gary : Do you want to eat? i will buy food for you and then we can eat at your...?

Jihyo : What...? You want to go to my house oppa? but...what if somebody see you ? it would be dangerous for both of us,the member not know that we were a real couple now...

Gary : go down first,i will following after you,just give me the address ok...

Jihyo : But what if...?

Gary put his finger to jihyo lips...

Gary : sshhhh...I can disguised as ordinary people...relax ok..??

Jihyo : Ok...i believe you,alright we go now,i'm so hungry,just buy me a lot of food ok...

Gary  : Alright we go...haha...

Jihyo arrived first at her apartment,she's not comfortable know gary will come to her house,she's afraid somebody might be see gary,at that time ring door bell rang...


Jihyo : Ah...Kang Gary,you've made somebody see you?

Gary : Relax....nobody outside,by the way i wear a hoodie,so nobody can see me can i come in...?

Jihyo : oh yeah...haha...mian hae oppa...i just worried...ok now it's time to eat....omo you brought so much food,how can we eat all of's 1.00 am btw...

Gary : Don't stomach is ready to eat...haha...

Jihyo laugh and just touch Gary stomach and said...

Jihyo : oppa...i love your sexy fluffy belly...i think you attractive when your singing on stage with your mic,with your stomach sticking out...haha...

Gary : haha...jihyo ah...only you....who was love my stomach hahaha...that's why i love you so much...i pinch her cheek...

Jihyo : hurts...


After they eat....Gary just sit at sofa and jihyo was laying at gary's lap.

Jihyo : it's 2 Am now oppa,you don't want to go home ?

Gary : want to sleep now?

Jihyo : How can I sleep with you in here oppa? maybe something is gonna happen if i was sleep....

Gary : want something happen now ? haha....

Jihyo : Ahh...oppa why you always teased me...

Gary : Jihyo know,i feel like dreaming now,can you pinch my cheek...?

And then Jihyo pinch Gary cheek strongly...

Gary : Ahhh...Jihyo hurts....

Jihyo : Yeah...You're not dreaming Beb...

Gary : What did you call me?? Beb...haha...i love it...and then i call you Mongji too ok....ahh...ok i go home now....take a rest ok,i see you next day...saranghae....

And then Gary just give me a kiss goodnight,and when he's hold me through his body,my body just shaking,i don't know why but i feel Gary a little bit sexy tonight...oh my god i have to control my self....
And when Gary want to touch Jihyo's body,suddenly Jihyo just let go from gary kiss.

Jihyo :'s late now,i'm so tired...can we continue next time...Jihyo feel shy when she say that.

Gary : Ok...then....goodnight My Mongji...

Jihyo : message me if you already at home ok....

Gary : I you....
Jihyo : I love you too oppa....

That night i was so happy,can't imagine i was fall to him...yeah...Kang Gary You're The Answer To A Girl Like Me....


note : this is my third write,hope you guys like it,thx....^_^

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