Today filming at Chuncheon "C" Development Centre,The Themes is The Children's Day Special Race,Jaesuk was the first to come,and then Kwangsoo the second,Haha the third,Kim Jong Kook,Ji Sukjin,Gary,Song Jihyo the last member....Gary face was so tired,because he have to go home at 5 AM,after slept over at Jihyo place.
And when the PD announced the guest is coming,Cha In Pyo is entered,and 9th running man is Ricky Kim,and the Last is Seo Jang Hoon.Running Man member all shock,Today Guest is a Stronger Guest.and when the ripping name tags is end with Song Jihyo is the winner.and the second games divided the teams into groups of two today.
Jaesuk with Cha In Pyo,Ricky Kim with Kim Jong Kook,Seo Jang Ji and Haha, Sukjin and Kwangsoo,the last of course Monday Couple Gary Jihyo one team.The 1st place team Monday Couple gets to start first.
Gary : "As expected,guys have to meet a good person to be in a couple"...And Jihyo only laugh to his joke....
Monday Couple have to find the rall bike first,and when they arrived they have to riding rall bikes and after earning shoes by completing the mission,put them in the net,in the next flag station,they have to complete the mission when they pass by them to pass,the sticker they obtain are to earn shoes for the mission.and the more stickers you have the more shoes you obtain.
And when the rail bikes are entering the tunnel....
Gary : Ah...what's that,I don't see anything ! Jihyo ah...gary just hug jihyo at the dark tunnel,jihyo just let gary hands go,she doesn't want to look so obvious in front of camera.
Gary : Aigoo...why was the tunnel so short ? It was going alright...jihyo only laugh see gary teased her....
Jihyo : What was going alright...hahaha...
Gary : Can't we just go through tunnels only?
Gary-sshi wo is eagerly waiting for a tunnel
Gary : there no tunnel over here?
Jihyo : There's another one...Her hand just slap Gary's back
Gary : Where? This time around I wish the tunnel was 1 km long....
Jihyo : 1 km? Kang Gary you've gone crazy...
~Going to the tunnel Kang Gary was waiting for~
Gary : Yeah...It's a tunnel !
Once again Gary was playing around with his baby....Oh...But there's a beam in the tunnel~
They were dancing when Gangnam Style song was played.And after that the game is start,Gary JIhyo was arrived at R1,the mission is the absolut pich game,and they were failed,so they must go to the next mission.At R2 the mission is Eating potato with one hand,and they failed again,continue to R3 they succeed,and at R4 the mission is pepero game,they must be less than 1,5 cm in 30 seconds and they succeed again~
And after that the shoes section,winning by Yoo Jaesuk and the last is ddakji game....and the winner of course Yoo Jaesuk again,the King of Ddakji.
The filming end at 23 pm.Gary was drive Jihyo home like usually,and Gary buy a lot of food since they were hungry after a long tired filming today.they were eating and talking with happy atmosphere.After that Gary want Jihyo to take a shower together at bathtube.

You Are My Destiny
FanfictieIs begin with ep.139,jihyo was so mad with gary,she's just got annoying when gary just close at the filming with lee yeon hee,let's check the story....enjoy