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I wake up to the sound of the alarm going off. People always say to put your alarm away from your nightstand so you actually have to get up to turn it off. I do that. But it never works. Once I turn it off, I roll right back in bed. I sleep through two more snoozes before I decide to get up. Getting ready in the morning was quick for me. I put on the same thing I wear every school day, and brush my teeth and wash my face before putting on minimal makeup. I go downstairs to grab a banana and a protein bar. As usual, I make a cup of black coffee and tried not to spill it on the way to my car.

I get to school early, as always, and I sit in my car, finishing my protein bar. I sat there, scrolling through my phone when I heard someone tapping on my window. It was Dylan.

"Good mornin' princess," he flashed his teeth.

I rolled down my window, "Hello," I said.

"So, you've slept on it. Consider going on a date with me?" He smirked.

"In your dreams," I rolled my eyes and took a sip of coffee.

"Playin' hard to get again, huh? Ok." He walks away, winking at me. I roll my eyes and roll my window back up before turning off my car. I throw my trash away before going inside the locker room. I saw Eva and Claire and I headed straight to them.

"Hey," Eva said, dragging out the vowel. "We're seniors now. We're the kings." Eva smiled.

"Indeed we are," I said.

"So what's your schedule," Claire looked at both of us.

"Well I have art, environmental science, government, a free period, lit, calculus, and study hall," Eva said.

Claire looked at me, "What about you, Luna."

"Um, AP government, AP calculus, AP lit, debate, physical science, AP statistics, and AP computer science," I said, trying to cite my schedule from memory.

"Gosh, the fact that you didn't die last year and still finished top in our class is surprising. And now this year..." Claire said.

"Well I try," I said. The bell rang and we all headed towards our classes. Entering the classroom, I made my way to the back of the room. I sat down and continued to scroll through my phone.

Class started and the day continued, as classes flew by. They were all the same. Teachers talked about the importance of the AP exam and I sat in the back of the class, quiet. Lunch rolled around and we all decided to go off campus for lunch. We went to Chick-Fil-A and got a small takeout order before heading back to the school. Sitting in Eva's car, we talked about our classes and ate our chicken nuggets.

The rest of the day flew by and I was one of the last ones in the locker room. I had packed everything up and was about to head to my car when the familiar voice rang out behind me.

"How was your day? I didn't see you in any of my classes." Dylan said.

"I take AP classes. I doubt you have even step foot in an honors class." I rolled my eyes. I close my locker and turn to leave but I was stopped when Dylan shoved me against the wall.

"You're right, I haven't." He breathed. "But you are a hot nerd." He said and he quickly leaned down to kiss me before I could shove him away.

"I have a boyfriend and I love him. I don't want to be a cheater." I shoved him out of my way before hurrying to my car.

As I drove, however, I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. It lingered on my lips for a quick second before it faded away. I would be lying if I said it was a rough kiss. His lips were soft, but not as soft as Adrian's. He could never compare to Adrian.

I pull up on our driveway, surprised to see my mom's car. I walk through the door to see my mom sitting on the dining room table, drinking coffee while reading a book.

"Mom? What are you doing at home? Shouldn't you be at the hospital, saving lives?" I asked.

"Actually I'm not on call for today. I've gotten over my OR hours limit this week. But I have my pager with my just in case."

I set down my bag and head to the kitchen to get a snack. "Well, that's good. You can get some rest." I said as I opened my bag of baby carrots.

"How was school today? How are your classes doing?"

"Oh, same old same old. Teachers talk about the AP exam and all that and there's a meeting about college," I said.

"Speaking of college, have you decided?" she looked up from her book.

"Oh, I've already decided to go to California State University. It's here in long beach and it isn't too expensive. And it also offers the requirements for pre-med. It's perfect," I said, sitting down across from my mom.

My mom sighed and looked at me, "Luna. You will most likely be valedictorian. I didn't pay $60,000 a year for you to go to a state school. And I know you didn't take all those AP classes and put in all that wasted effort. Do you know what's only 9 minutes away from here?" She looked at me with tight lips.

"What?" I asked.

"Stanford. It's a great college and it has a great medical program. They also have one of the top med schools in the country." She said.

"But mom, Stanford is so hard to get into. And tuition is so expensive." I argued back.

"Yes, but don't let all the effort go to waste. Go to California State if you want, but it's your effort, not mine. I went to Stanford and went on the become a great doctor. Now it's your turn," she said, looking back down at her book.

I sighed and went to my room. The first day of school and there was already homework. Part of me wanted to drop out of all my AP classes and just go to California State, but another part of me is telling me to follow my mom's footsteps and push myself towards the harder path.

I put in my headphones and listened to my Harry Potter audiobooks while doing my homework. I finished about an hour later. I went downstairs to order pizza for me and my mom. Only, my mom was cooking. Cooking. She wasn't the parent who volunteered to bake something or brought cookies to school for my birthday. So I was surprised to see my mom trying to make garlic chicken with potatoes.

"Dinner is almost ready," she said, looking back at her iPad that was playing The Food Network.

I mentally laugh and pray that she doesn't burn down the house and I head back upstairs to my room. I sit on my bed and I start to play an episode of Grey's Anatomy. I have hooked to the show a while ago and had finished it in a short time. Now, I'm just rewatching them.

I went through two episodes before my mom called me to dinner. I head downstairs and was surprised to see the kitchen completely clean and the food on the table actually looked good. I sat down with my mother and we started to eat. At first, I was hesitant but I started to enjoy the food.

"Wow, mom. This is good. I didn't know you could cook," I said my mouth full of potatoes.

"That was a long time ago. Before I became a doctor," she said.

We finished eating and I did the dishes before I started to get ready for bed. I brushed my teeth and took a shower and got into bed, ready to fall asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow. But something kept me up. The thought of being in love with one person but also falling for another. I try to resist his flirting but I was falling for his charm. I didn't want to admit it but I was. I felt like a cheater. Can one person be in love with two people?

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