Sweet Realization

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Another month is now gone. A quarter of my senior year is done. I am now quaking, as I sit in my car, waiting for an email from Stanford. At first, I didn't want to apply. But my mom was right, it's a great path for a medical career and it isn't that much more expensive than Pacific High. I still applied for California State University. Just in case. I was sitting in my car, pondering over all the colleges I've applied to, Stanford... Dartmouth... UCLA.. that I didn't even hear the bell ring. I would've missed class if Dylan hadn't tapped on my window.

"Hey, what you thinkin' about," he asked.

"None of you business," I said, getting out of my car with my bag. I walk across the parking lot trying to get to class on time.

"Ok, see you later," he said, winking at me before walking towards the opposite direction. I roll my eyes, mentally telling myself to keep track of time.

I walk into the AP government just in time. I was the last one entering the room. I took my usual seat at the back and started to listen to the teacher lecture about Ronald Reagan.

Lunch rolled around and Eva, Claire, and I decided to stay at school today. We sat at our table, having our usual chats when Dylan just sits down beside me. He didn't say a single word and just continued to eat. Eva, Claire, and I stared at each other in awkward silence.

"Um... what are you doing?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm eating. What does it look like I'm doing?" he said with his mouth full of chicken.

"Well eat with your friends. Don't just invite yourself to our table and act like it's normal," Eva said.

"My friends dared me to do this, okay? Don't believe me? Look," he nodded his head to a table. Sure enough, the boys at the table were either smirking, grinning like fiends, or making dirty hand gestures.

I mentally roll my eyes, "I will never understand the psychology of high school boys."

"That's a mood, Luna," Claire laughed. I smiled and finished my lunch before the bell rang. I packed up my books in my bag, leaving me the last one at the table.

Dylan somehow loitered around for me because he approached me, "What are you doing Friday night?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Probably nothing. Why?"

"Ok, thanks!" he waved and ran off to his class.

I raised my eyebrows and started to walk to class. Why did he want to know my plans for Friday night? It's not like I'm doing anything that interesting.

The rest of the day flew by quickly. I was thinking about my upcoming test when I felt a pair of eyes on me. I look around the parking lot to see Dylan leaning against his car, looking at me. I quickly walk to my car, avoiding his stare. I shove my bag and my books in the back seat but I was too slow because when I turned around, Dylan was behind me.

"Stop hovering over me," I said in a flat tone.

"I'm not hovering, I'm breathing you in. I like the smell of your hair. It smells like the ocean, but in a good way," he smiled before leaning in on my neck, sniffing my hair.

I pushed him away, "Ok, now you're just creepy."

"Come on, go on a date with me, seriously," he said.

"Need I remind you, I have a boyfriend," I opened my front door and got in my car before he could say anymore.

He pouted before walking back to his car. I pull out of the parking lot and I start to drive home. During the drive, my mind reluctantly thought of Dylan. What could that boy possibly want with my Friday night schedule? And how long is it going to take for him to realize that I didn't want to go on a date with him? Although, to tell the truth, him sniffing my hair kinda turned me on. I shake off my thoughts as I realized I was pulling in on my driveway. I turned off the car and head up to my room, where I began to kill my brain cells with the amount of material on tomorrow's test.

The week had gone by and it's now Friday. The fact that Dylan asked about my plans for tonight is still in the back of my mind. We went off campus for lunch and the rest of the day went by slower than usual.

The final bell rang and I took my time getting to my car, knowing Dylan would be waiting around for me. As I leave the locker room and walk across the parking lot, sure enough, I saw Dylan with his eyes glued to me. I push everything in the backseat and climbed into the driver's seat, waiting that any moment, Dylan would appear behind me. But he never did. I drive off and gave one last look at Dylan before leaving the school.

I run into my room to change out of my uniform before heading down to the beach. I climb over the large rocks, Dylan slowly disappearing from my mind. I take off my necklace and placed it near my shoes before walking into the water. I close my eyes and breathe in the salty air, water splashing around my ankles.

"Hey love," I open my eyes to find Adrian staring up at me. Emotions suddenly wash over me. The feeling of guilt tug at my throat. However, affection and lust cloud my eyes as I look at his sculpted chest.

"Hi," I say. I get on my knees, careful to not get my shorts wet.

"I miss you. I wish you didn't have to go between land and water every month. I wish you could stay with me forever," he said, his green eyes sparkling with sadness.

"I miss you too," I say, meaning every word. I look deeply into his eyes, before pulling him in for a hot open-mouthed kiss. His tongue slips in my mouth and we fight for dominance. It was at that very moment when I realized how much I loved Adrian. I love him so much that I could hate him. I would do anything for him. I have never felt this way with any other guy. Not even Dylan. He continues to make love to my mouth when I feel a burn in my chest.

Adrian pulled apart but I pulled him back. "Breath Luna," he chuckled. I realized my body wasn't getting oxygen and I was gasping for air. Adrian started to trail kisses along my neck and jawline, his hands rubbing my back. My body melted with his gestures and I let out a small moan. He leans back up for a quick kiss as if that is something we did every day.

"I have to go. I love you," he breathed in my ear.

"I know," we lean our foreheads against each other before he dived back into the water, disappearing from my sight.

I stood up in the water, walking back to dry land. I put my sandals and necklace back on before I climbed over the rocks, heading back to my house.

As I approached my house, I saw a car parked on the driveway. I couldn't make out who it belonged to until I got closer and saw a familiar person on my porch swing.

"Heya princess!" he waved with a huge stupid smile plastered to his face.

"Why are you sitting on my porch? And how do you know where I live?" I asked with a raised eyebrow,

"You're friends don't keep private information about others very well. Besides, you said you didn't have any plans tonight. Which is really sad. So I'm here to help you do what every senior does on Friday nights." he said with a smug look on his face.

"Which is...?" I question.

"Oh, you'll see. Don't worry darlin', you'll be beggin' for more plans with me," he said with a smirk. I raised my eyebrows and thought twice before letting him inside my house. However, I instantly regret my choice as what happened next literally sent me to Hell.

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