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Amidst the signing of the peace treaty, I couldn't help but think, that all of this is thanks to Rinn. The ice spell shook Ninevah enough to surrender. I hated to agree with his intentions, but realistically how many more lives would have been lost if he hadn't done it?

Today was Rinn's sentencing, and this morning they had sent out the paper, detailing everything that happened a few weeks ago. They had asked my siblings and me to read it and affirm it's accuracy before publishing. I didn't enjoy having to relive it all again.

I put on a light blue dress, the color for ice magic, and tied around my waist my nice gold cord. I put my white healer's robes on over, thinking about how all of this started when I was wearing this same robe. Thankfully it had, of course, been washed since then.

The last time I was in a council meeting the sound off and customs seemed to take no time at all, now, however, it was like they were dragging it on longer just to spite me.

Eventually, Rinn was brought out into the dome's center, standing squarely in the middle of the tiled mandala.

"Rinn Fuar Loer," One of the elders began reading, "You are hereby charged with breaking and entering the Dohvald house, theft of one of the four tomes of Ardmore, assault, abduction, and unlawful imprisonment of Ennah Loer, Garrell Loer, Griffen Dohvald, and Amyr Dohvald. You are also charged with repeated assault, theft, and threats against Howan Dohvald, Adrian Dohvald, Esca Dohvald, and Kyan Dohvald, as well as the magical destruction of a Ninevan locomotive and the magical deaths of 62 civilian Ninevan passengers, which has been considered a war crime."

They were certainly laying it on

"You are henceforth sentenced to the stripping of graduated robes and all enchanted magical objects within your possession, as well as a year of imprisonment followed by a year of magic-suppressed patrol. This is accredited to the outcome of your efforts bearing the fruit of peace with Ninevah."

One year.

I turned to share a look with my siblings, unsure of what to make of the ruling as Rinn was escorted out of the dome and the meeting came to a close.

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