Stuck With You

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Taehyung hurried back to his dorm, immediately jumping on his bed and covering his face with his pillow.

'What is wrong with him? Why would he do that? I swear my heart is about to explode. He came so close to me.. Fuck. I think I'm going crazy. Stupid Park Jimin..'

Because Taehyung was mentally conversing with himself,  completely lost in his thoughts, he hadn't realised that Jimin had entered the dorm.

The older saw that Taehyung was laying on his bed with his pillow covering his face, confusing him slightly.

What the fuck is he doing..?' He thought as he walked over to the mini fridge he had bought, taking out a drinks can.

Taehyung still hadn't moved and seemed not to notice Jimin's presence so the latter decided to make himself known. "Taehyung-ah, do you want something to drink?" He asked, observing how the younger almost fell off of  his bed from shock.

The pink haired boy sat up straight, staring wide eyed at his roommate. "Okay, how the hell did you get in here without me noticing again?"

Jimin simply chuckled as he opened his cola. "Do you want some?" The younger gracefully turned down the offer before getting up and going to the bathroom. Jimin playfully shook his head before walking over to the sofa.

'This year will be pretty interesting..' He thought.

When he first met Taehyung, he was in awe at how cute yet handsome the boy was. That was until he opened his mouth. But even then, Jimin was slightly impressed at how such a cute exterior could have such a feisty interior. He picked up his phone and began playing some random games to pass time. Shortly after, the pink haired boy exited the bathroom and walked towards his bed.

"Taehyung-ah. I'm hungry~" Jimin whined causing the younger to roll his eyes. "Then get off your fat ass and go eat something" He retaliated. Jimin frowned, jumping up off the sofa and walking towards the pink haired boy who was sat on his bed . "I want dinner. Can you cook?" He asked. Taehyung simply scoffed. "Can I cook? I'm the master at cooking, my skills are unbelievable"

The older chuckled at how serious Taehyung was but nodded his head. "Okay then. Cook dinner tonight and we'll see how great your cooking is" Taehyung thought about it for a moment before nodding. "Okay. Challenge accepted." He stood up from his bed and exited the dorm, heading towards their communal kitchen and living area, Jimin following.

In their dorm block, there were two double roomed dorms which shared a communal living area and a kitchen. There was a total of 4 people in each dorms but Taehyung and Jimin hadn't met their other dorm mates yet.

Jimin sat on the sofa, turning on their TV and watching some dramas as Taehyung stood in the kitchen, preparing to make food, rolling his eyes as he glanced over at the older sprawled across the sofa.


"Hyung, I'm really hungry.." Jungkook pouted as he sat next to Hoseok on his bed. Hoseok glanced over at the younger before putting away the magazine he was previously reading and giving the younger his full attention. "Hm.. Well, I am in no mood to cook right now because I'm just feeling lazy. So shall we go to Jimin's dorm? Maybe Taehyung's a good cook"

Jungkook grinned and nodded. "I think he might be. Do you think they'll be ok with us going?" He asked. Hoseok shrugged. "Let's just go. They'll have to deal with it. If not, I know their dorm mates, Youngjae and Daehyun, so they'll definitely let us in." He jumped off of his bed and dragged Jungkook with him. "Come on~" The younger smiled to himself as Hoseok laced their hands together and they walked down the hallway.

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