Chapter: 4

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A/N: So I want to say thanks and I'M IN NEED OF A SCHEDULE TO UPDATE THIS BUT I DON'T KNOW WHEN SO IF YOU GUYS COULD COMMENT REASONABLE DAYS IN BETWEEN EACH CHAPTER I WOULD SERIOUSLY APPRECIATE IT! I do not own Hetalia or you and I'm going to try to make this Author's note really short. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the next part! P.S. It starts out as Scotland's POV just so you don't get too confused.


(Y/n) slept and even though it was on the ground, he looked pretty cute. He seemed relaxed, tranquil, whatever the hell you call it. I took is sketchbook and before I drew anything I took the opportunity handed to me and flipped to the first page. His work in class was outstanding, but I wanted to know what he drew just for fun.

He has such a talent, the first thing I saw was a bird, but it looked surreal, the colors just didn't seem like it would really be seen naturally, but at the same time it did. (Y/n) even wrote what type of bird it was at the top corner. He has a talent with pencil, and it made me wonder if he was able to do this while looking at the bird. It wouldn't surprise me, the lad can get people to just pose for him. Even bullies like me would let him sketch for his sake, not like he would ever do that on his free will though.

As I flipped though, the drawings were better than the last, it was obvious he had the sketchbook for a while now, some of them were smudged but still looked good. (Y/n) seemed to have an interest with drawing colorful animals of all sorts, a few flowers that would have caught my own eyes if I had seen them, and a few people. I sighed but started drawing for real, having a slight awkward position due to the fact that I still had Artie and (S/n) in my lap. I knew the lad was good, but it never occurred to be that he would be amazing at it. Sure he did amazing on the castle, but it was somewhat mediocre stuff, guess I have myself to blame for that. I know I'm not perfect, but pretty good.

The whole reason why I started drawing was because I wanted Artie to know what things looked like, magically wise, and it paid off but I also found a passion for it. I usually do still life rather than living things, opposite from what (Y/n) does completely. If I was to be honest, I would say I'm jealous of him... He seems so serene, and calm, even when picked on my be, he doesn't loose his cool often, and he's really cute when smiling or acting childish, and on top of it all he's really smart, always good grades no matter what.



Fine, I admit it, I really like the lad. I guess I pick on him because I want to get closer? Like those lassies that tease and bully the lads they like, God I'm calling myself a lassie then. I can't help it, maybe I don't want the school to know I'm gay then? I don't know, and it pisses me off that I just don't know for sure why I hurt (Y/n). I remember when we first met, he was so nice to me, and I just let him be, but in the past year I've turned into an asshole to him. I'm horrible, there is no way he'd like me, not after all that I'd done to him.

Maybe I can change that though, start being nicer more often, and not in times like these, maybe I could control myself to not hurt him, maybe I can change for him, so I can be with him. Wishful thinking eh? It's probably all I can do right now.

When I looked back at the paper to actually start I realized I had been sketching as I thought, and it wasn't too bad at all. Half of his face was done already. How long had I been thinking? I guess it was longer than I had thought. Well whatever, maybe half an hour more and I'm done; that'd be good, get out of (Y/n)'s hair and get Artie back home. He'd probably be hungry when he wakes up, the lad was running around the field for a bit.

All too soon I had finished the picture, admiring it and the work I had done. By now it was around seven, and still light out, well, that was what happened in the summer after all. I grinned and carefully set the sketchbook down, rolling the paper up so it wouldn't be damaged by folding it or something. I gently shook the kids, their little eyes blinking and rubbed at by their hands and waking up fully. It was adorable and the way (S/n) looked for her brother was cute. I let her go and she got off my lap, sending me a bright smile that I wish I could see on (Y/n)'s face so much more.

Scotland x Male!Reader: A Picture Says a Thousand WordsWhere stories live. Discover now