Chapter: 5

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AN: HEY HEY HEY~! I'm back and ready for action! So long story short I've gotten into some trouble with my mother with ah, mental issues. So I've decided to spend my 3 day weekend writing! ahahaha! btw: I've looked at my demographics and can I just say thank you? To everyone in other countries and such that have read this? It makes me almost tear up here.... Seriously guys, I don't think this story would have gotten so far without you guys. I mean it.... Thank you so much! So I hope you enjoy this, and warning it is a bit bloody and has masturbation in it. I really don't know how to rate this and I need help. Again if someone could help me with the ratings and such for this then I would appreciate it tons! I don't own you nor do I own Hetalia. Enjoy~!


Sleeping was heaven for you, it was peace. Sure you didn't dream but you didn't care. It was wonderful. You escaped from the torture of life, you were able to rest and relax, let your mind think of nothing as you pushed all your trials and errors to the back of your mind. To that little box you never wanted to open up when you were in this state. Waking up opened that box, pulling your fears and issues to the front of your mind, reminding you the life you had and lived daily. It brought so much pain to you. You were better than that. You didn't let yourself go into depression, you didn't hurt yourself like you itched to do. No, pain to yourself only made it worse. How could it be better? That physical pain only brought mental pain, reminding you of the scars and beatings you got from your mother. No, helping your sister and being at school helped. Those things truly took the pain away, at least, until Alistair went and picked on you again.

You got out of bed, getting your clothes for the day and a towel, heading to the bathroom for a shower. You trudged but you were up early, you were able to get to school without anything on you today. You were glad about that much at least.

Feeling the water cascade down your skin was wonderful, it was like all your stress was being washed away, droplets of water all that anguish and pain you held for a whole day. Once finished you dried off and got ready, getting into your room for your bag and slipping your shoes on once downstairs. Your mother wasn't up apparently, so you were in the clear as you actually made yourself breakfast and left the house with nothing on you. It gave you faith, maybe today wasn't a bad day at all.

You couldn't have been more wrong.

At school you tripped and hit the concrete hard, a few people chuckled at you but you brushed it off. It hurt but you were alright. Your classes were long and a few note balls were thrown at you but you said nothing. It wasn't until lunch things just went to hell.

You were sketching instead of eating, not feeling very hungry to eat and you were tired too, so you just took little bites so you wouldn't be completely starving when you came home. You heard loud laughter and looked over, seeing Alistair and his friends laughing at the table. You immediately went to sketch it, and thank God you were a fast sketcher, because within fifteen minutes you had gotten Alistair's head done, writing 'happy' by it and underlining it like the serine one next to it. Three down four to go. The image made you smile a little but it didn't last long since his friend spotted you smiling and caught his friends' attention, all towards you. You tried to hide and go back to sketching what you were before, but it was too late. You had guys surrounding you and everyone turned to watch.

"Look, the fag was checking us out!"


"Fuck off gay boy!"

The worse of it all was the fact that Alistair had been looking at you with those cold eyes, and all too soon you had a blow to the stomach, it hurt and knocked the wind out of you, making you fall out of your seat and onto the floor. You tried to get a breath in but a kick to your side made it hard.

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