(We make it to the doctors)
I go running in and ask to see the doctor and well never thought id hear this...
-jessica... we found a tumor in Julie's brain and I cant giver her any medicines cause she is to young and I cant do any surgery we are looking into this but dont think she will make it im sorry ill let you see her...
*I start crying and cant stop crying and then her beeper goes off and I panic!*
Doctors come running in and their all around her and I hear a strait line bar noise and bust into tears...
-im sorry Jessica we couldn't save her. We tried we dont know what happened. I dont think you should see her im sorry you should go home be safe bye.
*runs to Frankie grabs Luke and becca and cries*
*frankie gives us a hug and we all cry and walk out to the car and I cry the entire way home not knowing what im.going to tell the kids when they get older...
(Authors note sorry it was short tell me what else I should do or add?)