3 months later(Jess pov)
"Frankie can you come here?" I yell as I'm standing in front of the mirror!
"What Jess?" Frankie yells competing up behind me!
"Am I fat?" I say staring into his eyes!
"Jess your not fat your beautiful your perfect!" Frankie says
"Awwwww I love you!" I say kissing him!
"I love you too!" He says kissing me then walking out the door and before leaving looking at me saying "I mean it!"
I turn around and giggle then say "so do I!" As I sit down and think!
-3 hours later-
"FRANKIE!!!!" I yell laying on the bed!
"What Jess?" He says running into the room!
"Can u hand me my phone??" I say giving him the puppy dog face!
"Ugh fine but as long as you give me back my jacket?" He says throwing a wink to me!
"Fine but just hand me my phone!" I say reaching for the phone in his hand as he hands it to me!
"Give me my jacket now?" He says giving me a look!
"Nope you have to wait until I am ready to get up and give it to you!" I say smiling and poking his stomach!
"Ugh fine but u better hurry?" He asks as I scoot over so he can sit next to me on the bed!
I get my phone out and text ginger!
G-What Jess?
Me-can you come over please???
G-Why Jess?
Me-I'm bored and need someone to go with me to my doctor appointment and I don't want Frankie to go to this one!
G-Ok ok fine I'll be over in a min!
Me-okie bye gurl!
-don't texting ginger!
"So Jess when is your next doctors appointment I want to be there with you!" Frankie asks looking at me confused!
"Oh um ginger just asked if she could go and I wanted you to come to the next one because the next on is in 2 months and i think that's when we get to see it!" I say trying not to sound mean!
"Oh ok it's ok I'll go then and it's kinda good because today I have to go get food and stuff for the house!" He says a lil down!
"I'm sorry baby I love you and don't forget the pickles?" I say making him laugh and walk out rolling his eyes yelling "love you too!"

Detention with my crush!!
Storie d'amoreThe story of how detention became fun for once