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Some things to save

From: Unknown

save me, Austin please...

IT'S already midnight when I received the message she sent me. I froze in shock. But immediately moved on, I get up to get to her. Trying to hide the excitement that is plastered on my face. Because I know it should not be in there in the first place. I should not be feeling happy at this moment. It should be a sin to feel happy when one has received a message like that. But I know that deep down on my most private thoughts I once wished and prayed for it and now that it's finally happening I'm trying to hide my happiness.

Luckily, I know where I am headed. I know exactly where she is. After that I drove fast to the place where the prettiest girl I've known is.

I am now standing in front of a coffee house. My keys are in my right hand and a spare jacket on the other. Wearing my usual clothes on these cold days: a hoodie top with denim jacket, black pants paired with my black sneakers. It is extra cold this days so I know she needs something to wrap her tonight. If ever that this jacket isn't enough to comfort her from  cold and the emotion she might be feeling, I will be the one who will wrap her up by arms.

Looking at her from glassed window, she looks miserable and... lost. It breaks my heart seeing her like that--broken. It is new to me. Her aura scream sadness and some eyes are on her.

When her gaze finally meets mine, her face doesn't light up. Instead, it looks sadder than before. She runs to me, as fast as she could. My heart dropped in an instant.

I am the only one who can save her. I whispered on the back of my mind.

My arms are wide open as I welcome her hug. It's tighter than usual. I can't barely breathe not because of the tightness of her arms around me but because of her--in this state. I just let her hug me for as long as she needs. I hear her sobbing. I hate to look her like this--in total pain.

After what feels like an eternity, she lets me go from her arms and step back a little. Her hand's still me by my shoulder for support.

I actually don't want to be free from her arms just yet. I wanna savour the feeling, her warmth and the way her hair smell but I had to stop myself and let her.

I went to her back and clutch my jacket on her shoulders. Then I  guide her to my car. I opened the door of my car and let her in. Just like how I gladly let her in my life. We drive off in silence carrying the heavy clouds from her favourite coffee house.

This is not what we are. We're just happy not sad.

On our way, she only looks at the window, blankly staring at the lights along the road. I wonder how can someone be so broken and beautiful at the same time.

I took her to the sea side. We are sitting near the damp sand. Where the waves seem to be reaching our feet.

I could not enjoy the view or even the scenery. because she hasn't stopped crying since we left. Even without any noice, I knew she is crying, even when she tries to hide it I know and I can feel it. I can't help to feel sorry for her.

"H-he left me in the sa-same place she ask me to be his... For his.. Dream." she said in between her sobs, staring at the sea.

" I thought it will last for ever. Or even just until the end if our lifetime. But it wasn't.. and the worst part is.. it hurts so much I want to end it. Austin, I wanna end the hurting but I can't. " she said when she manage to calm a little.

She looks at me trying so hard to stop her crying. I look away. I don't wanna see her that broken--at least not now. When I finally found the courage, I turn to look at her only to see her taking her clothes off. She stops and faces me.

"Do you wanna join me take a dip, Austin?" she asked.

I don't even know why she wants to take a dip right now, it's freezing cold. The cold air came from the sea blows and hit our bodies and I saw it made her shivered.

I shook my head. She gave a little smile and continue what she was doing.

"Okay. Just wait for me I'll be fast." She said in bliss.

I just watch as she runs to the water wearing only her undergarments. Her lips stretches into a smile and I love it. I can watch her like this forever.

She asked me to wait but even if she did not asked. I will wait for her, willingly. I would even let her take her time. I know I will enjoy the waiting because she's worth the wait, always.

Earlier when I saw her at the coffee house, I could almost see the heavy aura of hers. I could almost taste her tears. Her screaming emotion I couldn't name. It's all mixed up, I wonder how she handles it. The most painful was I could hear how her heart breaks over something I knew she already expected to happen.

And then I came... to save her.. just like what she wanted. Exactly what she wanted.
I notice her wave at me, pulling me from my thoughts. She smiles at me flashing her perfect white teeth. How I wish she could stays that way. But her eyes that's flashing the opposite emotion she is trying to show did not escape my vision.

She walks close to me to get her clothes and put it on again. I just looked away.

It's almost sun rise, and every part of me wants to watch it with her. But she's probably exhausted from all her crying.
As she finishes putting her pink shirt, she turns to me hug me and look straight into my eyes.

"save me, Austin pleasee.." she whispers

The sorrow that is in her eyes is visible for me to see. And that makes me feel sad for myself but hearing her sweet voice flushes it all away.

Maybe I'm a little crazy.I give her a little smile and return her hug. Slowly my hand went to the back of her head. My fingers start to stroke the strand oh her hair.

"It's time to take you home now. You should always be home by this hour foe you to be safe, okay? Let's go"

I step back and offer a hand. She takes my hand and drags me back to my car.

I'm driving she's by my side. Staring at the passing cars. I enjoy driving for her even at this state. I love seeing her and being with her.

Sometimes I still a glance of her, I just love the way light reflecting to her skin. It mesmerize me.

The car stopped in front of their house. We said our good byes. As she opens the door of my car, she stops and quickly turns to me. We shared a moment of silence then she kissed me on my cheek. My heart starts to beat fast and hard. I was in daze. Happy..

" Thank you for this night, Austin. You save me and that make you a saviour. How I wish he could be someone like you. Can you be my own saviour?" she laugh when she said that.

She left before I even get the chance to answer.

"Get home safe! " she shouts as she gets inside their house.

I was speechless.

I'm frozen and it took me minutes to realize what just happen. I drove off smiling like an idiot. An idiot that is so lucky he did not got include in some sort of incident that night.

I was like the whole drive until I reached my house. I was still..

Still in complete daze.

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