Episode 2 - Friends

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December 15, 2017. Sean just wore his casual clothes and got inside his car. It was early in the morning and he needs to drive Daniel to school. He still have an hour left before waiting to Doña Felicidad's customers. Daniel hurriedly open the door and placed his backpack on his lap.

"You got everything there, Daniel?" he asked, as Daniel forgot his art project last week and had to leave the restaurant for awhile, which was alright for Maria but he knew it was wrong and caused him feeling guilty.

"Yeah, I promise."

"You sure? Check your bag."

Daniel opened his bag and rechecked. He then nodded and closed the zipper. "Yeah. Everything's here."

"Alright." Sean said as he started the car. The vehicle roared to life and began to drive. Sean felt like being a father more and more to Daniel as time goes by. He knew he has to balance things with Daniel, although a little nudge of his brotherly figure is a must.

It has been 6 months since they crossed the border. Sean and Daniel lived a comfortable life, having Sean taking a job at Doña Felicidad where they were treated as family. He had also started sketching once more and though it was an experience, those things they've went through, people they met and friends they had forge felt like being tied to them even though far. With the help of Israel, he attended various seminars and classes for automobile technicians. They haven't found any certification like Sean's father in Seattle yet they knew it just needs a permit to open his own auto repair shop.

Daniel on the other hand had been real close with Angela and her friends in school. It sent Daniel jitters at first to feel that school was safe since they were always on a run back at the other side of the border. It was amazing that Sean made him write a letter to Chris and were pen buddies ever since. Karen's P.O. box were their central mailing system. Cassidy and Finn mostly write every three weeks, Sean said they're probably working on another ranch and lived like before. Daniel also contacted Lyla using Sean's phone and he was glad that even far away, they could still see each other.

Daniel usual day was to hang out with Angela after school and sometimes play at the roadside where cars almost doesn't go. He also helps Sean with chores using his powers, although he hasn't use it so much like how they sank the car with Sergio and his henchmen to the sea. That day, it seemed like nobody cared about those who drowned because they weren't given a proper burial and we're just buried at the cemetery immediately. Although there were some friends and family who visited, but they were too ashamed on what they did and left indefinitely. Israel told Daniel its probably because they caused a lot of trouble in Puerto Lobos and almost all the people hated them. Israel also told him that they're still gangs in the area and they should lie low and be careful.

After driving for 30 minutes, they arrived at their father's school. Daniel put on his backpack and gave Sean a hug. He then paused for a moment and asked. "When are you going back to school, Sean?"

"I don't think I need to. I already have a job and I have to take care of you."

"But you could do so much more when you graduate! And also, I can take care of myself."

"Enano, don't worry about me. I'm just glad I could give you a life that I could now never get. We're basically still wanted in America, especially me." Sean explained. "Yet we're free here in Mexico and I know we both want it to stay that way."

"Okay..." Daniel replied with a saddened regard. "Maybe you could just study what dad did or maybe write a comic book? You're good at drawing, maybe it'll help."

"Sure, Daniel. I'm sure it would." Sean chuckled and leaned to the door, opening it for his brother. "Now, go on. You don't want Angela and your classmates waiting."

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