chapter one, ksg

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Kang Seulgi plasters a smile across her face, studying her reflection in the mirror carefully. Her mirror-self glances back at her with a comical smile, almost too big for her face. Her smile is so obviously fake, just like her dedication to this job. She sighs, rubbing her temple furiously. Grabbing the coffee mug off the worn oak table, clasping both her hands around its bulk, she takes a slow sip out of it. The bitter taste of ground coffee hits her, the rich aroma wafting through the room.

She makes way to the door, labelled Caregiver Kang Seulgi, and twists the knob. Peering out carefully, she makes sure that no one is standing outside. Stepping out cautiously on her socked feet, Seulgi strides forward. The baby blue cup is gripped tightly in her clenched fingers still, matching her shirt and trousers. As she walks, memories of a girl slitting butterflies down the middle, tearing them in half - a clean cut - floods her mind. She involuntarily shivers, although the empty hallway is as warm as it can be.

Seulgi stops in front of a door, her feet thudding on the marble tiles. The silver plaque on the door has no markings on it, which only succeeds in arousing her suspicions. Yanking the door open, she barges in, a subtle smirk dancing on her lips.

She folds her arms into each other, covering her chest, a slight incline of her hips. A pair of strikingly grey eyes glare back at her, the predominant color of his irises being green. Something about those eyes remind her of long forgotten memories - the flicks of emerald green in his pupils make him all the more memorable.

As both of their eyes bore into each other, time stops. Time halts until it seems as if the only beings left on this Earth are the two of them. Two sets of intense eyes - hazel and grey - staring at each other with a dark intensity deeper than time itself.

He is the first one to break the staring contest. Seulgi places her left hand of her hip as if to say I win, offering him a small grin. She walks up to his bed and sits down, flicking up her eyebows. For a minute, silence prevails. Neither of the two say anything, but the lack of speech isn't uncomfortable - rather, it offers a peculiar comfort. Like a jacket that doesn't fit right, but offers up all its warmth.

Seulgi purses her lips together, her glaring purple lipstick the only bright thing in a room with white walls. "Aren't you going to say anything?" She looks him up and down, almost as if he were a dish she was about to relish. "You look familiar, you smell familiar. I think I know you?" She cocks her head, turning her last statement into a question.

He returns her smile with all the cockiness he can muster, but it only makes a point to make their age gap obvious. His demeanor proves he is young. Too inexperienced.

"Don't you remmeber me, Seulgi? It's Kwon Gi-do."

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