An aspiring actress gets the roll of a life time when she gets cast as a new series regular in The Vampire Diaries.
A lot of this will be social media based. (Instagram, Twitter, Snap Chat,GC)
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@alliehenderoficial first day on set...coming in with a bang❤️ liked by natebuz, ninadobrev, iansomerhalder, lexielove2, and 290,679 more
User1 huh? Who is this? Natebuz welcome to the fam💙 honestly so excited to be working with you. User2 I ship this User3 yayyyy I am so excited for you Allie...any one else here from her last show? Iansomerhalder looking good... super excited for this episode...cocktail party here we come🤗 Phobetinkin Iannnn👆🤦🏻♀️ User4 ooo I was wondering why she was all dressed up😂 User5 oops @iansomerhalder I don't think we were supposed to know that😂💙 User6 Queeennnnn. Clairholt LOVE THAT DRESSS can we have an outfit swap? I'm going to go talk to the costume designers right now!!! Ninadobrev @clairholt 😂😂😂 I think the dress looks better on her😂❤️
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(Authors note: Before I start the next part I just want to say that the character I have created that Allie acts in TVD does not exist in the show or in the books.) Also Allie's Dialogue will be italicised when she speaks.
Allie's POV
Day one and I'm having a small panic attack. I was one of the first people here. I came early just to get a hang of where everything is and now I'm extremely nervous. The first scene we are shooting is where my character gets introduced for the first time. My character is Ashley Wood, a different kind of supernatural. She comes from a long line of witches who have vampire blood in their system but they can only turn when killed by a supernatural being and they can't get their magic until they turn but when they do get it they become one of the most powerful beings in the world. It's a bit intimidating playing someone like her because I've only ever been in comedies. My thoughts get interrupted when the door to my dressing room opens. "Oh sorry...I didn't realise anyone was in yet." " Oh no it's ok. I came in early so that could get my bearings before anyone else arrived. I'm Allie by the way." "I'm Lucy. It's nice to meet you. I'll be your makeup artist slash personal slave. If you ever need anything just ask me, even if it's just a coffee." "Thanks" You laugh already knowing that you and Lucy will get along well. "Julie likes everyone ready to film before the morning meeting so we can start getting you ready. People will be arriving soon. Trixy the costume designer brought in your first outfit last night so you can change after I've done your make up." You look over to a rack that you hadn't noticed before and see a gorgeous silk black dress hanging up. With a black silk choker hanging around the neck of the hanger. You then sit down so that Lucy can start on your makeup. About half an hour into make up I can hear that people are starting to arrive and I'm getting really nervous. I've never really been good at being in new environments but I get used to it. It's strange, I have no problem meeting fans but when it comes to a new work environment I'm a mess. The door opens and Julie walks in followed by a brunette girl. "Good morning Allie" Julie greets me enthusiastically. "Good morning Julie." "I see you've already met Lucy. This is Katya. She'll be your hairdresser. I think you'll like her." I look over at Katya who gives me the biggest smile ever as she gets her little table set up. I look back over at Julie as she starts talking to me again. "I just thought I'd come in to see how you're doing and to give you the program for today. I usually have my assistant put them on your dressing tables before the day starts but she's sick today. Well I hope you settle in well and I'll see you at the meeting later." She winks at me before closing the door as she leaves. "There all done" I look back at Lucy in the mirror as she's examining her work. "Wow not bad Lucy" "What do you mean not bad? I worked on this for an hour!" Katya laughs as she ushers me out of the chair, " Now it's my turn, but I need you to get dressed first so that you don't mess up your hair later."
Two hours later I'm already and walk out of my dressing room (which I have plans on decorating because right now it's just and empty shell) I look around the now crowded place and see both actors and extras walking around in fancy dress as well as crew members getting ready for that day's filming. I turn and walk toward the place the morning meeting will be when I bump into a tall figure. "Oh I'm so sorry...I wasn't paying attention." "It's ok. It was my fault anyway." I look up and see that I had walked into Nathaniel Buzolic. He smiled down at me then cocked his head to one side, "You're Allie Henderson right?" "Um yeah...that's me. I was just heading over to the meeting." I laugh not knowing what else to say. " I'm going that way to, we can walk together?" "Sure" Gosh. I haven't even been here three hours and I've already made a fool of myself. We walk into the "Mikaelson Mansion" where we would be shooting the first few scenes as well as where we would be having our meeting. I learned that all our morning meetings would be where we were filming first thing. As we walk in I'm completely awe struck. It looks amazing. I mean I knew it would god knows that I've seen it enough on tv but it was amazing in person. I suddenly hear a scream and look to see where it's coming from. I see Nina break off from a group of people and walk towards me with a big smile. "Hey! I'm Nina, I've been dying to meet you." She engulfs me a hug so tight I struggle to breath. "Hey" I say as we pull apart. "I'm Allie , it's nice I meet you." Nina takes my hand and drags me over to the rest of the cast and introduces me to them all and all the while I feel a pair of eyes on me but I resist the urge to look as I get to know everyone but I finally look to see who was starting at me and lock eyes with Nate. I get butterflies in my stomach and shake it off as I continue my conversation with Kat.
It's almost midnight. We spent the whole day working on the cocktail party scenes. Julie trout that it would be a good idea to start with this scenes because it introduces me as a character but she thought it ironic that my first ever day on set would be when my character gets introduced. I'm absolutely exhausted and am so ready for my bed. Luckily I don't have to be in until 10 tomorrow so I can sleep in a little. "Hey girl, you ready to go?" I turn to see Kat at the door. She had offered to take me home since we lived in the same building. Before switching the light off I turn to look at my dressing room. This is going to be one eventful year.
That's it on this episode. I hope you liked it. Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while things have been a bit busy. If you liked this chapter please vote and comment. It would mean the world to me❤️