Chapter 29

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Since that evening, three months had passed by.

To say the least, I didn't miss my home or my family. Thats because I had family here.

Me and Dormouse have been bonding so well, we've left the past behind us. We have done a few activities together like fencing and paintball against the hare and the white rabbit. It was wicked.

I have assisted the White Queen with many parties and balls we have held. Some more fun than others.

I have gotten to know the twins a lot more, they are actually quite hilarious and I am glad I have met them.

Hatter and I have renovated the house, to make it look more like a Top Hat. We have been more affectionate than before and had shared many, many intimate moments. We have shared a lot of love and we both want to take it to the next level, although, we are going to take things very slow.

Today, however, I am seeing Hook again. I haven't seen him since the whole kidnapping situation. I was quite excited to see him so I had gotten ready and went to the portal originally used to get there.

I stepped into the portal and made it to the Jolly Roger, greeted with many, many warm, welcoming smiles. The pirates all shook hands with me and led me to Smee who took me to Hook.

'Hello Smee, it is lovely to see you again' I smiled at him.

'Aye, nice to see you, love' He smiled back, leading me into the Captain's Cabin.

I closed the door behind me to see a giddy Hook, jumping up and down at my presence. We both giggled and jumped into each others arms.

'It has been so long, my dear' He says to me, patting my shoulders and leading me to a chair.

'It really has,' I replied to him, 'So much has happened back in Wonderland, I am so so so sorry I couldn't see you any sooner'

I felt really guilty for leaving him for months and months, time just flies by, ya know?

'Don't worry about it Y/N, you have been a gem to even come out here today. I am glad you are alright and safe'

He calls in Smee and asks for lunch, we catch up on the adventures of Peter Pan and Captain Hook as well as all of the drama back in Wonderland.

By the time I was leaving, Peter came by to mess with Hook. Coincidentally, he comes to try to mess with me.

I look up and smile at him,' Peter you won't fool me with your behaviour, good day.'

I hug Hook goodbye, his arms tightening around my waist, mine around his neck softly stroking his hair.

I wave them all off and go back into the portal, returning into Wonderland, with a funny feeling in my stomach

A/N Note:

Hey all, thank you for the continued support, STILL. I am so crap at updating I am so frickin sorry :( I have 2 weeks left at 'school' then I am done for the summer so hopefully I will still be going. If you want any ideas in the book, message me!

Love you all,

Katie :)

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