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    With such a shitshow on the road as of late, this was our only rational solution to our problems. But, let's start with the fact that we are in 2020, the year I was ecstatic to experience. Learning of the Roaring ’20s in the classroom, it was such an interesting topic and time. I mean come on! Flappers, gangsters on the rise, speakeasy’s, and the impending doom approaching known as the Great Depression- cool, right? Who am I kidding, of course, it is! What a shame that 2020 did NOT have that in store for me, huh?

    It started with World War III threatening to take place between the United States and Iran, then February decided to burn Australia to the ground, March attempted mass murder with COVID-19, in April we fucked ourselves by not listening to the CDC’s suggestions on COVID, May brought us murder hornets and flying spiders, and June brought the Black Lives Matter movement after a fucked up cop killed George Floyd by kneeling on his neck for nearly eight minutes. All I have to say in a short time frame is ACAB.

    Anyway, after that depressing recap, July brought a new realization; nothing’s going to change without brutal actions. By which I mean, a civil war arrived yet again. Not that I didn’t support it, I would’ve fought if it weren’t for the fact I’m a literal fucking child and I don’t really want to die as a teen. So, July started our much needed Civil War, and my dumb ass stuck in my own Limbo between the two sides. You see, my beliefs contradict my mothers, and therefore I was being forced to choose what side I’m on. And that’s how I ended up in the middle of an abandoned parking lot, waiting for the others to arrive. That’s right, bitches, I’m going on a road trip north with my friend group. 

    My car, an 80’s blazer I had remodeled over the past few months after we bought it in December, sat with a few chests full of supplies I snuck out with through the night. It consisted of the stockpiled non-perishables from the beginning of the quarantine, many notes I had written over the course of a few days in order to make necessities from natural ingredients. For example, toilet paper and pads, because we are all women and let's be honest, no one can escape the menstrual cycle. I also wrote down recipes for clothing and blankets, along with food recipes and identification notes. Do not ask how many hours of sleep I got, because it is not important.

    Whilst examining the back of the blazer, sorting my weapons to make sure I had everything I would need for protection and hunting. Smiling as I looked over all of the blades I brought, an array of knives and hatchets lay in my wake, glistening under the moonlight and the soft glow of the fluorescent lights above my head. I was always the kind of girl to enjoy playing with knives, so it only made sense I would use the deadly tools to fight my way through offenders. Fingers danced lightly over the array of glistening, yet sharp, metal as my eyes scanned each individually; my gaze locked onto the saber I had bought a month back, my fingers gripping the handle as I unsheathed it before closing the tailgate, leaning on the rusted side as I examined the older weapon. My tranquil analyzing was cut short by the giggles and quiet chatter of the approaching people. Looking up, my eyes darted across the pavement painted by the orange glow of streetlights for a sign of danger; nevertheless, all I found was a duo of girls, one of my best friends and one of my good friends. Grinning, I shoved myself off the car with the bottom of my right shoe, standing straight to greet them. My height was increased by five inches, the platform shoes boosting me up to impose a more threatening aura onto those who crossed us. 

    “What’s up, whores?” cackles escaped my throat in their direction, watching as they quickly put up their guard. One raised her gun as the other got into a fighting stance. Playfully, I raised my hands into a surrendering pose, grinning at one of my best friends as she glared at me. After a moment of recognition, she dropped the gun's barrel from my forehead, rolling her eyes at me.

    “I am not a whore, you roach.” she sneered at me, the two quickly making their way over to me with the suitcases I had just come to notice trailing behind them. Throwing my head back, a laugh rippled up from my chest and echoing off the asphalt. I felt a hand meet my head as she slapped my scalp, trying to shut me up. Consequently,  giggles continued to ripple from my throat as I spoke with the two.

    “Yeah, yeah- you keep telling yourself that, Makayla,” dodging another hit with a slight squeal, I lightly jogged whilst sheathing my knife after opening the back yet again. “But, hello to you too… Did anyone follow you two, Sam?” the said girl looked up from the herbs she brought with her at the mention of her name before she comprehended the question.

    “No one but the demons of my past!” she joked, placing the plants in the cup holders she found. Snorting, I began climbing into the back and placing their suitcases in the previously decided designated spots. As soon as that was finished, I spun around and sat on the ledge, scooting over and patting beside me for them to sit, my skirt slightly hiking up to my lower thigh from the continuous movement. Sam happily jumped up and sat, joking about how her boobs were too heavy to carry all that way, and Makayla sat on my other side begrudgingly, muttering about how she was too fat to walk that much. I grinned, turning slightly and grabbing a bag of snacks, turning and placing them in my lap for them to grab at their own will.

    “Soooooooooo, what’s new with y’all? Any new hotties? Don’t answer that, Sam.” I joked, winking at her as I said the last part. “Makayla, I know I’m the only hot person you know-” another hit met my head as I screeched, laughter leaking from my throat as I jumped off the bumper and stumbled away, the chips thrown into Sam’s lap instead of on the ground. I would’ve fallen over if it weren’t for the fact that my head met someone's stomach. I quickly pushed myself back and raised my hand, readying my fist before I recognized the face- well, faces…

    “Abby! Peyton! Save me, Makayla’s gonna beat my ass!” Crying out dramatically, I jumped onto Abby as she laughed at me. Narrowing my eyes, my brooding began as soon as the muttered  ‘rude’ flowed from under my breath as I detached myself from her. We all scanned over each other, making sure everyone was there. We would be picking up Mckayla, or “Suezie”, later on in the path. Not counting her, everyone had arrived and began chatting cheerily together. Quietly, I grabbed Abby and Peyton’s belongings, scampering into the back whilst placing them with the other items. I scooted back out as soon as I had finished arranging the bags, looking over what everyone was still carrying accordingly, adjusting my skirt so as to not flash my ass.

   Abby was holding her leopard gecko, My Dude, and a bag containing items needed to keep said gecko warm. Peyton held her dog, Charlie, by his leash, whilst Makayla held a few books and a satchel with a plentiful amount of water bottles. Sam had a bat that I had snatched up before fleeing the house over her shoulder, carrying a bag that held many useful, yet odd, things. Some rustling arose from the car, a few squawks following suit from the front seat, and then a readjustment noise concluding the sounds. Squeakers, my turkey, had stared at me until I caved and took her along earlier into the night; furthermore, I couldn’t fathom what my family would do with her if they got hungry enough, and she ended up sitting with me as I cruised down the backroads I had come to know like my own mind. A few lighter chirps followed, coming from the Polish chicken I had brought as well. Meth, which I named her, had an injured leg previously but had recovered from the proper physical therapy I provided for her. She would produce eventually, so I figured I should bring her for a source of food,and by which I mean eggs you sick fuck, nevertheless I also love her dearly. That makes a total of four animals, most of which will be pretty easy to provide for. I mean, it’s pretty much just bugs, so that shouldn’t be a problem… I think..?

   Clearing my voice, my legs were tightly strung together whilst sitting on the bumper of the opened back; smoothing out my skirt as I captured everyone’s attention. I smiled at everyone, placing my hands into my lap as I looked over their faces.

   “You may be wondering why I gathered you all here today,” I giggled at my own joke, calmly spectating while Abby pulled a face and Makayla rolled her eyes, the others just smiling at the lighthearted atmosphere during the screwed times. I cleared my throat again, continuing my little speech with pride, lacing my voice in an authoritative manner. 

   “We, as in me and you fools, are going north! To Canada! Somehow… So let’s start our adventure, yeah? Also, we’ll need to take a few pit stops to discuss certain tactics...” finishing by jumping off the bumper, I placed my hands on my hips in an overly dramatic fashion, a false cocky smile molded onto my lips. The others cheered and piled into the back, complaining after I slammed the door down, with Abby remaining out with me. Nonetheless, we climbed into the front with myself positioned in the driver's seat and Abby in the passengers. Whilst buckling up and starting our fucked up journey, me and Abby looked at each other for a moment, before a slap met the others head, encouraging the loud laughter that followed after as we drove off from the town I grew up in.

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