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"AMIR WAS WHAT?" MATEO exclaimed.

"Hush!" Jay said, placing a hand on Mateo's mouth as he looked around," I don't want everyone to hear my loving father hired someone to spy on me."

In response Mateo bit at him and Jay quickly pulled his hand back, frowning offendedly at his friend.

"Jesus Christ," Mateo mumbled to himself, before looking at Jay," and you didn't even hit him?"

"It may be surprising," Jay said," but violence isn't my answer to everything."

"That's a lie and we both know it."

"Shut up."

"Wait," Mateo said then," not to dismiss the extremely toxic way your father treats you and your consequent trust issues, but you can go shoot your shot at Sahar now without anyone disturbing you."

"I already could," Jay said.

"I love the confident you," Mateo grinned," yes king, you can do anything you want."

"No, I'm still insecure, I just mean Amir is gay."

Mateo blinked, before frowning. "And he was out here flirting with Gabriela instead of me? Why? I'm stunning."

"This is the reason," Jay said.

"Your negativity won't hurt me," Mateo said with a shake of his head," Clarkson told me I'm a wonderful, kind guy too many times already."

"Speaking about our principal," Jay said, scraping his throat before continuing," he said he's going to adopt me."

Though Mateo's initial emotion was surprise, that quickly changed into happiness, the warm kind which made him feel like he swallowed the sun.

"I'm so glad for you, Jay," he smiled.

"Thank you," Jay said awkwardly, a blush coloring his cheeks as he looked away," I'm not really sure if he'll succeed though. My father is horrible, but he's rich and in the end that's all that matters in this world."

"He can pay a one way ticket to hell with that," Mateo scoffed, before adding," but it'll be fine, you know the principal is dependable. Besides, you're almost eighteen anyway."

"That too," Jay nodded," so I think I'll just live at the principal's house until then. He said he has an empty room for me."

The principal's tattoos flashed in front of Mateo's eyes, the words a haunting reminder, but he knew Jay had already thought of the same thing. For a moment he wondered if they would have been so close had his son lived, but that didn't matter either way. If not, he would have been glad for the time the principal would have with his son, his own selfish complaints paled in comparison to that.

"I'm just hoping my father won't lash out," Jay said, interrupting Mateo's thoughts.

"No worries," Mateo drawled, cracking his knuckles as he grinned wolfishly," if he does, I can always pay him a visit."

"I look forward to seeing you tackle all eight of his bodyguards."

"So do I."

They were staring at each other then, both their lips tugging upwards in barely suppressed smiles. It was only when someone else spoke that they both practically jumped.

"Who has bodyguards?"

Mateo turned around, only to be facing Milo and Gabriela. Once Jay had arrived he had pulled him aside for a chat at the edge of the clearing, the others putting the finishing touches on the tent or standing around it. Apparently they were done now. Last Mateo had noticed Gabriela had been telling Luca off for whacking the hammer in frustration at a tree when things weren't going right and he still felt the faint amusement and adoration tangled around his heart.

Kisses after midnight (WICKED #0) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now