Bleeding Heart Part 10: "Stay With Me"

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From Author: Hi my loves! I've missed you all! I'm really sorry for this late update. Please forgive author for not updating yesterday. She was really busy. Thank you guys for all the support. Now, let's continue!

Jeon Somi POV:

I hear Hyunjin calling me, but I don't want to hear from him right now. *fake smile* "Hi Uncle Armando." "So, you're picking me up?" *weak tone*

Uncle Armando: *a little surprised* "Yes Somi, are you alright?" "Why are you crying?" *looks at me concerned*

*gasps* "Oh..." *wipes my tears quickly* "It's nothing uncle." "Me and my friend Josh just watched an emotional movie." *smiles slightly*

Uncle Armando: *looks at me pitifully* "Are you sure?" "You know us parents won't tolerate you lying." "Besides, I see it in your eyes Somi." "What really happened?" *calm tone*

*sighs deeply* *tells him everything*

Uncle Armando: *looks down disappointed* "Thank you for telling me Somi." "Just sit down here for a moment." "I have to teach my son a lesson." *rubs my head*

*nods slowly* "Yes Uncle." *sits down on the front porch and cries*

Hwang Hyunjin POV:

I see my dad coming toward me with a disapproving look. He must've asked Somi to tell him what happened. *Oh no, I'm gonna get scolded real bad.*

Dad: *looks at me coldly* "Can we talk?" *serious tone*

*nervous* "Y-Yeah.." *sits down next to him*

Dad: *takes a deep breath* "Hyunjin, let me just say that jealousy is normal, but you can't transfer that anger to your girlfriend." "Have you seen mom and dad fight?" *raises one eyebrow at me*

*shakes my head* "No..." *ashamed*

Dad: *firm tone* "You shouldn't have yelled at Somi." "You should've listened to her." "Remember when she was jealous?" "Did she yell at you?" "No, she allowed you to explain yourself." "Don't be a hypocrite." "You need to fix this because I tell you, Hyunjin you've found yourself the perfect girl." "That girl's a keeper." "Now go save your relationship." *pats my back*

*nods* *Dad's right.* *I have to be good to Somi, she's been patient with me.* *I tell her to trust me, but I can't trust her.* *walks over to the front porch* "Mimi, can we talk please?" *shy tone*

Somi: *looks at me scared* "About what?" *nervous*

*sighs sadly* "I know you're upset, and you have every right to be." "I'm so sorry." "Do you think you can forgive me and trust me when I say that this won't happen again?" *smiles weakly*

Somi: *stays quiet* *looks down*

*holds her hands* "I understand my mistake Mimi." "I would never want to hurt your feelings." "I shouldn't have yelled at you." "You're right, and I'm so sorry for being a hypocrite." "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" *sincere tone*

Somi: *no response*

*gulps* "Please say something." *hears her crying*

Somi: *sobbing* *slaps me very lightly* "That's for making me cry." *slaps me lightly again* "That's for yelling at me." *slaps me lightly again* "That's for making my heart beat fast." *kisses me on the cheek* "And that's for everything else." *looks away*

*cups her face and wipes her tears with my thumb* "I take it you forgive me?" *hopeful*

Somi: *nods slowly* "But please JinJin, trust my love for you." "I would never cheat on you." "Why would I?" "You're all I ever need." "And also, please don't say those harsh words again." "It makes me so scared to lose you." *rests my head on his chest*

" *rests my head on his chest*

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*smiles* "Thank you Mimi." "I promise I won't." *Dad's right...I really have the perfect girl.* *I love her, I love her so much, and I know she loves me too.* "But Mimi, can you at least explain what went on between you and Josh." *calm tone*

Somi: *giggles* "Sure." "So first of all, I'm sorry for not telling you about him." "I should've told you about him so you wouldn't have been suspicious." "Joshua's my childhood friend and a close family friend to me and my parents." "I haven't seen him in a long time and his dad just reached out to mine a few days ago." "Joshua seemed really sad and frustrated while we were playing Splatoon." "So, he told me that he likes a girl from his school, but his classmates were telling him that he would never get a chance with her." "So, I was trying to give him confidence and support and telling him how amazing he is, and that any girl would be so lucky to be with him." "That's all." *smiles slightly to me*

*Oh, that's all.* *Man, I overreacted too harshly to her.* *I really need to make it up to her and I have the perfect way to do it.* "Oh, that's all?" "I'm sorry if I was too brutal with you." "I won't do it again." *looks down*

Somi: *lifts my head up* "Stop saying sorry mahal, I already forgave you." *kisses my forehead*

*sighs happily* "I probably don't say this enough, but I'm so grateful to you." "You make me want to be a better person." *sincerely said*

Somi: *blushes* "Right back at you JinJin." "You know, I think of you and kiss my pillow before I fall asleep every night." *looks down*

*Adorable!* "Some people die younger because God loves them too much, but I'm still on earth because someone loves me more than God." *sweet tone*

Somi: *giggles* "Aww why so sweet mahal?" *smiles brightly*

*smiles back* "Well, I made my princess cry." "I need to make it up to her." *kisses her hand*

Somi: *sighs happily* "A day without you feels like a year and a day with you passes in seconds mahal. *sweet tone*

*Aww she's so soft!* "Well then, let's cherish every moment we have together then." *strokes her hand*

Somi: *Let me try this.* "Bees love honey, miss loves money, flowers love dew, but... I LOVE YOU." *shy tone*

*impressed* "Wow, you're getting better with cheesy lines now babygirl." *claps gently*

Somi: *flattered* "I learn from you." *winks at me*

*chuckles* "Anyways, let's go?" *reaches out my hand to her*

Somi: *excited tone* "Yeah!" *holds my hand and walks to his car*

Dad: *smiles at us* "So, did you guys resolve your argument?"

*nods happily* "Yes dad." "We're good now." *whispers to him* "Now, let's take her to the surprise place." *winks at him*

Dad: *chuckles* "Sounds good." *whispers back* *winks at me*

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