Bleeding Heart Part 12: "Dreams"

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Hwang Hyunjin POV:

*kisses Somi gently* *Omg...I did it!* *The moment I've waited for for so long was finally happening!* *Her lips are so soft and sweet!* *They're like strawberries.* *I never want this moment to end.*

Somi: *responds slowly*

*Yes, she's responding!* *This feels so amazing!* *smiles in between the kiss* *I'm so happy this girl is my first kiss.* *I love her so much!*

Somi: *pulls out* *blushes and looks down*

*worried* "Are you alright babygirl?" "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

Somi: *shushes me with her finger* "Stop talking." *hugs me tightly*

*hugs her back* "You know, you're a good kisser Mimi." *winks at her*

Somi: *giggles shyly* "Heh heh...stop it." *blushes*

*holds her hand* "Was I bad?" *smirks*

Somi: *flustered* " liked that." *smiles slightly*

*chuckles* "'re so cute!" *pinches her cheek*

Dad: *shouts out* "Somi!" "Hyunjin!" "C'mon now!" "It's already getting late, I think you've seen enough stars already." "Let's go home." *waves to us*

Somi: *shouts back* "Ok Tito!" "We're coming!" *stands up*

*sighs happily* "Yeah, I've seen the brightest star ever tonight." *puts my arm around Somi's waist* "Starlight, starbright why don't you come home with me tonight? *looks at her lovingly*

Somi: *smiles brightly* "Um..sure, if that's alright with your parents." "And if mine approve too."

*Aww, she's so responsible.* *nods* "I'll ask my dad." "Dad, can Somi sleep over at our house tonight please?" *Please say yes.*

Dad: *smiles* "Sure kiddo." "Let me just ask her parents." *dials Somi's parents' numbers*

~After About a Minute~

Dad: *ends the call* "Good news kiddo." "They said 'sure'." *happy tone*

*Yes!* *Let's go!* "Yay!" *excited*

Somi: *gasps happily* "Nice!" *jumps up*

Dad: *chuckles* "But first, they told us to drop Somi off at their house so she can get her things and say goodbye to her parents." "Is that ok with you two?"

Both: *nod quickly* "Yes."

Dad: *smiles* "Ok great." "Let's go." *gets into the car and drives*

I'm so happy nothing interrupted us at that moment. I never expected that, but I wouldn't have it any other way. My plan went even better than I imagined. I'll never forget my first kiss with my girl. It may sound cheesy, and there may have been enough tequila in my system to get a rhinoceros drunk, but there were "fireworks". Her lips were so soft, she applied the right amount of pressure, and smelled so good. I didn't know how she'd react at the time, but I'm so glad she liked it too. Up until that first kiss, I wasn't even sure that I would take it that far. She was quiet and shy; I was loud and outgoing. The kiss changed everything for me. While we were waiting for Somi in the car as she was getting her things, I told my dad all about it. He seemed happy and proud of me, even a little impressed. He even advised me some other nice date plans for the two of us.

Jeon Somi POV:

I have no words to describe that moment. It was breathtaking, literally. Of course, I had to tell my parents about it. They were very happy to know Hyunjin took me to those wonderful places and made me happy. When I told them about the kiss, they were a little shocked, but just handled in a good way. My parents love Hyunjin and were very supportive, but they told me in a serious way to be careful and know my limits. They told me that it's ok to do regular things that couples do, but don't act like your adults. They told me that you're still kids and have to be responsible and make good decisions. I'm just happy they didn't yell at me. After I packed my bag and said bye to my family, I joined Hyunjin and his dad in the car. This is the first time I've ever slept over at his house, but I'm not too worried. Although we're in love, he's still like my brother and still my best friend.

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