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Today doldam hospital is inagurate as emergency trauma center.Everybody left for the after party of the event.only Kim Hani and Kim sabu present at the hospital.Today was the day Kim sabu have to left from the doldam hospital as he promised to Kim Hani.In these six month Kim Hani literally became Kim sabu no 2 in the ER. She mostly stays at the hospital with the patient without thinking about her personal life.Thats why Kim sabu can totaly depend on her for the ER. but is he really going to left from the hospital? When everybody was not around he call Kim Hani for a cup of coffe at his office before he leaves from the hospital. He is making coffe by his own to Kim Hani and for him and he is smiling happily although he is going to leave doldam.But suddenly Kim Hani said something strange to him..

Kim Hani:- I love you I said..

Kim sabu:- But you said you hate me.Now what's this about ??

Kim Hani:- I hate you now also and I am going to hate you till the time of my death.But I love you too.

Kim sabu:- what's type of things are you saying Dr.hani now?? I am about to leave from here.

Kim Hani:- That's why I am telling you.

Kim sabu:- is it going to make any difference?? I think not..but I want to ask you something why do you hate me ?? I had no memory you before? How you had  realated to me that you can hate me till your death..?

Mean while  SEO u Jin cannot pay interest in the party.He want to get up for there and looking for a chance.But as soon as he stands up someone push him back at the seat. At last he get up to leave. But head nurse saw him.

Head nurse:- Dr.seo ujin are you leaving already?

SEO ujin:- yes head nurse I had some work.

Cha eun jae:- yaa SEO ujin what happened??

SEO ujin :- I nees to go somewhere. You stay here Okey.

Cha eun jae:- Okey! Call me when you get free.

SEO u Jin left from there to the hospital.He need to stop kim sabu.

In the hospital Kim Hani answers Kim sabu why she hate him till the death..

Kim Hani:- do you still remember the girl,your student from the hospital.. of course you remember you are carrying the name she give to you. I am her sister.I change my name to Kim Hani before medical college. My real name is Jang bae ki.

Kim sabu suddenly fall down from the sky. He looked down and said why donot you tell me before??

Kim Hani:- Because I want to see you.I hated you so much that I studied medical to became a better doctor then you ,I choose you as my rival and complete my three board certification in less time then you.i wanted to give my patient best to best treatment so that before your name is pronuced my name have to come.I know you have nothing to with my sister death and I have no objection for that.what happened you cannot make it correct but I hate you because you ingnored her death.The person whom she respect more then anyone he just left doing nothing for her death and most importantly you choose others life on her death. You gave importance more then her to killer of her.
Kim.hani cannot hold her tear.

Kim sabu looks at her. But he donot understand what to tell her and how to say.

Kim Hani:- Although I understand my feelings for you but I cannot stay with anyone who ingnored my sister's respect and love towards him. I cannot ignore her death like you did.Thts why I am going to hate you till my death..

Kim sabu:- you donot need to ignore her death Hani yaaa. You donot have too. I also cannot forgive myself for that so I am not expecting you to forgive me. I will leave doldam anyway so donot try to hang with those feeling towards me and live a happy life. I donot deserve any of your feelings.

Kim Hani stays silent for a moment and said to Kim sabu.

Kim Hani:- you donot need to leave the doldam.After seeing how much you had done for this hospital and how much you suffered for this hospital if I am going to. Make you leave the hospital my dead sister is going to be upset on me. After all she respect you more then anyone.So face my hatred towards you and be here.Donot woory I am also going to stay here.Lets work together for the patients. I will try to work hard under you but as a rival doctor I am not going to be a easy compititior for you. Two best doctor of the nation's in a hospital is worth it.Be ready I am not going to be easy on you.

She take the coffe cup and left.."ohh thanks for the coffe" she said when she left..

Kim sabu sits there silently.Two drops of tears fall down from his eyes.

Donot know how many times passes but Kim sabu was at his office till now..SEO ujin enters to the office and saw Kim sabu sitting at his desk

SEO ujin:- SABUNNIM do not try to think of leaving the hospital.we are going to do something so please donot leave the hospital Okey.

Kim sabu:- yaaa SEO ujin donot do anything.

SEO ujin:- This time I am Not going to listen to you.You cannot leave the hospital.

Kim sabu:- yaaaaa SEO ujin.cannot you hear me ?? Donot do anything I am not going to leave the hospital.

SEO ujin:- hehhhh??? Really?? Seriously??

Kim sabu:- ohhh seriously.

SEO ujin:- ohhhh why ???

Kim sabu:- why??  Are you asking me why?? Are you hoping me to leave??

SEO ujin:- No no... I am happy that you are not leaving...He seems confused somehow.."Then I am leaving" he said again to Kim sabu.

Kim sabu:- yaaa SEO u Jin thank you. Kim sabu smiled.

SEO ujin bowed to him and left from the office.
Kim sabu played his tape recorder..and smiled happily