Don't read this dad

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Ok so you've probably looked through my account by the time you're reading this and I should probably say sorry for lying to you about what I do on Wattpad lmao.

So uhh sorry please don't get mad even tho you're probably gonna get mad because of the smut haha um yeah I've been like this since early year 7 if you're wondering. I've read countless smutty fanfics and I've written my fair share of them as well.

I'm kind of a disgrace lmao I'm gonna go commit post-abortion now just kidding but when you let me know that you found my account be prepared for me to become mute for a year or something because I will be way to embarrassed to do anything haha.

So um I should probably tell you all the other things I've been keeping secret from you and mum haha.

1. (Oof I'm making a list) I'm bisexual
You've probably read my bio and read that
but anyway here it is haha. You've found my biggest secret so coming out to you is nothing I guess. It's still a big thing tho but oh well.

2. Umm....
Yeah there's no way I'm telling you about this lmao. You already know about it so why should I tell you? Oh right; because you found it when you looked through my phone once.
You know what I mean. And I know that you saw my texts with her. I regret it so much and I kinda hate myself for starting that and having a crush on her so please never ever talk about it or even think about it cuz I wanna forget that I ever liked her it's so embarrassing 😬

3. I'm dating someone
You know who I'm talking about when I say 'childhood friend guy'. I'm not gonna publish this with any real names involved so yeah.
I've been dating him since November 2019. But I'm gonna break up with him cuz he's a dickhead oof.

4. I think that's everything.
I think.

5. One more thing... My dirty mind lmao
Remember when mum asked me if I knew what giving head is and I said no so she told me and then you came and gave me eye-bleach that was cute cats doing cute things? Well I already knew what it was. I knew a lot of things like that. I still do lmao.
Yeah it's from all the smut I read. I also watched a hentai that went for two episodes and it had zombies with tentacles and it was kinda cool I would totally be a crazy fan if it had more episodes and had a major plot line and if it wasn't anime porn.


I'm sorry plz forgive haha don't disown me

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