Chapter 16 ~ Kisses & Coming Out

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Niall's POV – Saturday

It's moving day bitches! Me and Li are finally moving out! It has been some sad couple of days, or day. Louis is freaked out efter Eline's mental breakout. We took him to the hospital but they just said that he was in chock and he should rest.

"Niall? Relax, everything's fine now" Liam said and kissed my temple.

We laid in our bed, casually watching Finding Nemo, but I couldn't concentrate. I saw how Harry looked at Louis, and I know how Louis feels.

"Li, we have to get Larry together. Like now" I said.

"Hubby I know, but how?"

I shrugged. I didn't know!

Harry's POV

"Louis?" I whispered in his ear.

He had fallen asleep during Twilight, with his back pressed against mine, legs tangled on mine.

He didn't answer, but cuddled closer to my body.

"Lou Bear, wake up..."

He turned around, his eyes half closed, a slight blush on his cheeks, his featherly hair all over the place.

Let's just say – irrisistable.

So I did what I thought felt obvious.

I leaned down and captured his soft lips in mine.

Out lips moved in perfect sync, like always.

I thought he was pulling away but he deepend the kiss, slightly licking my bottom lip.

I opened my mouth and out tounges met, he tasted like Louis. Like mint and popcorn.

I swinged my leg over his waist, straddling him, he didn't seem to mind as he put his hands around my waist.

I have a feeling it wasn't a beautiful kiss, it was sloppy and full of lust, never ending love.

He started pulling at my shirt and I pulled it off, breaking from the kiss.

But as I pulled off my shirt, he started kissing my stomach, chest and then neck.

He licked small traces from my chest up to my neck, then breathed in my ear.

I shivered and captured his lips once again.

He groaned and I pulled away, I needed to catch my breath.

"Harry we need to talk" Louis said and I nodded.

We both sat up, and I turned so we were face to face on the couch.

"Harry, I'm so in love with you that it's crazy. I've been for months. And you're really confusing me.

But I just wanted you to know that I love you," he trailed off and I smiled looking down.

He loved me. Louis Tomlinson loves me.

"Louis, I don't know what I feel. Well, I know but Ive been raised to believe that what I feel is wrong. And look what happend when Eline found out about my feelings! But I like you too... Hell, maybe I even love you. I just know that I want to be with you. I want to be able to kiss you, to fall asleep to your beautiful face and then wake up to it. And now we even live together, alone. Think of all the things we can do," I said winking.

He giggled and pressed his lips to mine.

Days passed, it was now sunday, two weeks later. Everyone has been with the person they love. Niam had spent the weeks fixing their house, bying stuff and it was beautiful now.

Nikki finally got to meet Zayn's parents and sisters, they're still in Bradford actually.

Niall and Liam are flying up to Mullingar next week to tell Niall's parents. Li's parent's still doesn't know but they will eventuelly.

"Hey Louis? Do you wanna tell our parents? The boys already knows and I want to tell my mom..." I said and he stopped drinking his tea.

"I guess we can tell them. Let's call my mom first!"

I watched as he pulled out his phone, and he then put it to his ear and waited for his mother to answer.

"Hey ma! I put you on speaker!" Louis happily called out as she answered.

"Hello mrs. Tomlinson" I said and Louis rolled his eyes.

"Hi Harry! And hello Boobear! I've missed you so much!"

"Mom I've missed you too! But listen, me and Harry have to tell you something..."

"Oh wait. HEY ANNE! GET OVER HERE!" Jay called out, making me gasp.

"What's my mom doing there?"

"Hi Harry! Baby, I miss you like crazy!" I heard my mom say and I smiled.

"Mom, I miss you too. But listen okay!"

Both of them shut up and I took Louis hand, preparing myself.

"Me and Harry are dating," Louis said and our moms giggled.

"We know," Jay stated.

"What?! How?"

"Oh please, Louis you have been drooling over Harry since forever and it was just a matter of time before Harry came to his sence" Jay chuckled and I smirked.

"Mother, you know me so well..." Louis said and I kissed his cheek.

"But are you okay with this?" I asked, suddenly nervous.

"Are you kidding me?! We have been waiting for this!" mom said and laughed.

"Oh, Anne we have to go, Dancing With The Stars is starting! Bye boys, use protection!" Jay called out and hung up.

I started laughing and Louis blushed.

"Wanna go snog in the bed?" Louis asked and I bursted out laughing.

He blushed and I nodded, gripping his hand and pulling him with me to out room.

This is gonna be a good night.


I've been thinking about putting this story on hold, I have the biggest writers block and I've started a new book I'm posting here soon. It's a Ziam vampire AU.

But I won't hold this, I will just update when I can and I will only have ONE couple each chapter, like for one chapter, it's all about Zikki or Niam. D'ya understand :D? And this story will not have any sexual content because my friend who reads this doesn't like that but in my vampire story there will be boyxboy action ;).

Thanks to all who have fanned and voted, and commented! I love you all so much, sorry it's short but I'm tired and school is killing meeeee.

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