Chapter 3 ~ First date and a confession ~ Part 1

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Zayn's POV

What the hell is this poo. I forgot my keys and our door is locked. God, I am so moving out. Didn't anyone hear me? I tried calling Liam again, but no answer. Same with the others.

"Urgh! Just open the fucking door already!" I yelled.

I then heard something from inside and the door opened.

"Oi, mate, what are you doing? You're gonna catch a cold" Niall said, his accent strong from sleeping.

"I have been banging on the door for ages! Why didn't any of you answer you phones?!"

We both sat down in the kitchen.

"Well, me and Li were sleeping in the livingroom and I guess Larry is snogging or something" he said and winked. We both chuckled to that.

"You know, I met this amazing girl today" I said and he smiled.

"Oh yeh? Spill it Malik" he said and I told him about Nikki.

"Well call or text her for food sake!" Niall said and slapped the back of my head. Ouch.

I pulled out my phone and searched for her name.

'Hi Nik, r u free tonight at 7? Zayn x' I sent and eagerly waited for her respons.

'Yeah! But wait, how did u know my name? I just rememberd I never introduced myself, sorry. Nik xx'

'Ur nametag, silly :P. See u tonight, love. Text me ur adress latr. X'

"She seems nice. Now will you please take me to Nandos? I'm starving" Niall said and I shook my head.

"No way! I was out there for like and hour, freezing my arse off, while you were in here, sleeping like babies. I need my beauty sleep to Ni, see you later." I said and he frowned.

Louis' POV

I think I have to tell him. I have to tell Harry that I love him. Or maybe I shouldn't... What if he hates me? But he never mentioned being homophobic. But I don't think I could continue my life with Haz hating me. Maybe I could just tell him I'm gay. Yes, let's do that! I grabbed some clothes, a blue-red-white striped shirt and sandy chinos, and ofcourse, red toms. I went down to the bathroom downstairs, taking a quick shower before getting dressed. When I stepped out I heard " here sleeping like babies. I need my beauty sleep to Ni, see you later." I think it was Zayn.

To prove my point, Zayn walked up and noticed me.

"Hey mate, would you mind taking Niall to Nandos? He asked and looked really tired.

I nodded and he walked into his room. I walked over to the kitchen were Niall was, drinking some water.

"SUPERMAN IS HERE TO TAKE YOU TO NANDOS!" I shouted, making him choke on the water.

When he was done coughing, he had the biggest grin on his face, showing off his braces. He jumped over to me and hugged me.

"Let's go Lou!" he yelled and run to my car.

"Niall! Get dressed first! And maybe a shower" I said, waving my hand infront of my nose, making him laugh.

"Fine" he said and left me to get ready.

I was done eating mu chicken breast hamburger when Niall wanted more peri peri chicken, it was his third plate. I felt such a huge weight on my shoulder but whenever I looked over, there was nothing there.

"Niall?" I asked and he looked over at me.

"Yeah mate?"

Can I tell him? Will he laugh at me? Grow some balls Louis.

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