The Sister.

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Summary: You are Sam's and Dean's Little sister. You are 34 years old, and the youngest of John's and Mary's children. And you were doing some grocery run while Sam and Dean met their alternate selves and have a conversation.

When: In season 15, episode 13. The time was Sam and Dean met their alternate selves and have a conversation.

Sam and Dean were both standing in front of Sam and Dean who were both from an alternate universe, they were talking about their lives, and the OG Sam and Dean were getting a bit jealous on how their life was much more comfortable theirs Then Dean popped a question,

"So, uh, how is Y/N? What is she doing on your universe?" This made AU Sam and Dean tense and were both visibly uncomfortable, OG Sam asked them again,

"Yeah, how is she? Did she became a detective like she always wanted to?"

The silence, as well as the atmosphere, was so tense you could almost cut it with a machete.

It was broken by AU Dean who told them that made their color from their face drain.

"She's Dead..." AU Dean and Sam wanted to cry over their lost sister and give in to their anger for breaking a vow that they had not to talk about it.

OG Sam and Dean were both shocked and speechless. If anything, you were the most stubborn and clever yet the bravest and strongest than them not to mention, even though you were the youngest, you were the most maternal, so it was safe to say that they were surprised about your death.

OG Sam then asked them with enough courage, "How... If you don't mind me asking, how did she die?"

AU Sam looked at him with tears glossing on his eyes, "She... It was one calm night, everything was peaceful till a fire had started to burn the house, Me, Dean, and Dad got away in time but Y/N and Mom were both perished in the fire, she was only 4 at the time, I was only 8, and Dean was only 12. They are or at least were now both buried in the Personal Winchester Cemetery. But now since you said that our world or our Universe is now destroyed by God himself, we have nothing to look back on."

OG Sam and Dean felt so bad when they had heard that their AU version of their sister had died such a young age. Then that's when you started to shout out to them since you had come back from the grocery run, the OG Sam and Dean looked at each other and smiled,

"Sammy! Deano! I am back from the groceries!"

AU Sam and Dean looked at them with wide eyes, while AU Dean had a muttered softly, "Y/N?" The two AUs looked at their right with the OG while you came in with a bag of groceries,

"Dean! I bought a pie for you and some salad for Sam-" You suddenly stopped talking as you saw, with your own two eyes that there are two Sam and Deans.

"What happened while I was gone?" You said as you put the groceries on the floor slowly, still in shock.

"Sis, meet our alternate selves," Dean said to her as he grabs the bags. OG Sam and Dean went to the kitchen to unpack the groceries.

AU Dean stood up and stifled a sob, he put his arms out and she knew what she has to do. You ran up to him and started to hug him and he hugged back, finally crying out his tears, Dean then pulled away a bit just to look at your face and you both smiled at each other, you then looked at AU Sam and extended your arm out to invite his the group hug. He accepted and the three of you hugged. The three of you then pulled away hesitantly, just in time for OG Sam and Dean to come back from the kitchen. Then 5 of you sat at the chairs ad AU Sam and Dean started to ask questions

"How is your life here, dear sister?" AU Sam asked you as he drinks some more beer.

"Well, everything is well except for the possibility of the end of the world but other than that. We're fine."

And that leads to a long conversation and bribing them to switch places for a while.

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