Vernon Roche | Fights, Fangs and Fucking

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Requested by Kayrash

Vernon Roche joins Geralt on a contract concerning vampires.
When the fight proves more difficult than expected, Roche runs into a cave system to hide.
Enter a powerful higher vampire, who hasn't seen such a handsome mortal in a long time...

Word count: 3900+
Relationship: Strangers


Vernon Roche was not one to pass a challenge soon. If anyone wished to test his skill, his worth of being a commander, his dedication, he'd never bat an eye. Tonight was no different.

Roche was seated at the Temerian Partisan Hideout, leaning on a makeshift bar a few of his men had come up with. In the haphazardly created camp, it was not bad. He was enjoying a bottle of ale, though it was stale and had lost most of its flavour. Around here, there wasn't a lot to expect from luxuries like alcohol.

Lo and behold, Geralt of Rivia had dropped by. Vernon, he wasn't half bad to offer said witcher a drink for the road. And thus, he found himself tipsily leaning on the wooden crates that sufficed for bar, and took a large swig.

"Tell you what I think, Geralt." he said, "Slaying monsters can't be that difficult, now can it? It's like hunting Squirrels but less... Intelligent ones." Though Roche had given up chasing the damn elves some time ago, mentioning them being intelligent still made him slightly cringe, even though said words came from his own mouth. Geralt smiled a little behind his ale, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You have no idea what you're talking about. Imagine a person of any race, but venomous and way quicker. Sharper teeth, too. And claws, not to forget."

"You only have to slay a monster a handful of times before you learn its weaknesses, no? Besides, you've got bestiaries. Non-humans and other vermin prove to be quite unpredictable. No book can actually describe their next move, or their intentions."

Geralt scoffed, humming in discontent. He reached for his pocket, taking out a messily folded piece of paper. "Then I believe you'd see no problem in joining me on my next contract, hm?"

Vernon Roche unfolded it, reading over the details of the job. He thickly swallowed, but held his unfazed posture. A flock of lesser vampires terrorized the outskirts of Velen. Strange, since when did these beasts move up north? "Of course not. We can leave whenever you want."

The witcher smirked, finishing off his drink before slamming it down onto the bar firmly. Vernon slightly jumped at the loud sound. "Okay. Let's leave right now, then."

Roche was slightly taken aback by the sudden need for departure, but he couldn't back away now. "Sure." he hummed, taking a small sip from the bottle. "I need to get some supplies, but then we can go."

Geralt was patient enough to let Roche gather some equipment before patting onto his trusty steed's back, coaxing her to wait a little longer.
"I have no horse available." Vernon said, hoisting a bag over his shoulder. Estimating by the darkness outside and the faint glimmer of a star here and there, it must be far past midnight.
Geralt held out his hand for him to take.

"Come on, then. Ride with me, it's quicker that way. You can hold that lantern, too." Vernon looked at the lantern he had strapped to his hip, a candle flickering inside of it. Geralt didn't need the light, but he figured Vernon would enjoy the idea of being able to see in this dark night.

The commander held onto his friend, who brought Roach into a steady gallop soon enough. Even though Velen wasn't too close to the hideout, it should only take them a few hours to get to the location mentioned in the contract. It was close to Crow's Perch, but Vernon did not know who the current head of town was. He had caught wind of Phillip Strenger hanging himself, leaving him wondering how the disease-ridden the no-mans-land was doing.

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