Regis | The Benefits Of Alchemy

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Requested by Luna Stars

Regis and alchemy go hand in hand, and when he catches a whiff of whatever you're brewing in your secret hideout, it only proves he's got a nose for things like that. Your experimental concoction turns out to be more effective than originally expected.

Word count: 3600+
Relationship: Lovers
Warnings: Anal play, overstimulation


The basket placed onto the soil next to you was halfway full when you put in a handful of mandrake roots and looked up to watch the lowering sun. It had been gently caressing your face with its final rays of light this past hour, but it grew chillier each passing the minute. Deciding to call it a day, you stood, dusting down your skirt before picking up the basket, which was quite heavy despite not being completely filled.

You retreated to La Mere-Lachaiselongue, to the small area inside the tomb which you had been calling home for a few years now. Your friendly relationship with Regis developing into a romantic one had you slowly but surely moving in - sometimes you stayed the night, the roads too dark to head back to your own home, and sometimes you stayed a week to keep an eye on alchemy tests you were running at his place - and eventually, you just lived there. And at a certain moment, without any verbal implication, your relationship became more and more affectionate and you were acting as if you were already married.

It was both a delight and a disappointment to find the tomb empty. Though the torches warmed and lit the place, the true heat of intimate companionship was something you craved for. But on the other side, it left you space to run some experiments you had been wanting to try out for a while.

You put the basket down on the table and went to find the book you were currently studying on – research about different pleasing scents. So far you had found a few appealing perfumes which were able to calm down wild hounds as well as a heavenly smelling concoction that could be drunk either warm or cold and leave you satisfied for several days without food.

Keeping your notes neatly scribbled in the notebook, it wasn't difficult to find your latest experiment. Well, it wasn't very complicated what you were doing at the moment. You were only putting together some different ingredients from previous creations to see what you could get.

A few blooms of one thing, a few pinches of the other. You put them all into the pot of boiling water, stirring it thoroughly with a wooden ladle. A pleasant smell came from the liquid, putting you in a state of concentration. You softly hummed unnamed songs while you kept adding ingredients, tasting every now and then, making sure that it wasn't poisonous.

However, when you cut up some blowball with your dagger to put in the liquid hiding in the stems, you accidentally cut your finger. You hissed in surprise, watching as a single drop of blood fell into the concoction. Not thinking a lot of it, you brought your hand to your mouth to suck on your index finger to stop the slight bleeding.

It took another few minutes for you to become wholly satisfied with the potion you were making, scooping some up with the ladle to have a taste. But just when you wanted to bring the spoon to your mouth, you felt a lingering presence behind you.

"What are you brewing there?" a familiar voice sounded, sending your stomach aflutter.
Regis wrapped his arms around you from behind and pressed a kiss on your neck.
"Just experimenting."

The vampire hummed, rubbing his nose against your skin. You shivered at the slight tickle.
"It smells good..." he purred, "Might I say, magnificent? And you do, too..."

You laughed lightly and swatted his hands away so you could resume your stirring in the large kettle.
"Well, that's very possible, since I am combing ingredients from both calming and attracting potions..."

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