~Augustus Sinclair~

726 9 19

Requested by, DARKWOLFGIRL2018

I'm sorry this took so long, I wasn't motivated, but I just got a random bursted of creativty and created this very short chapter. Sorry It's so short ,,



Y/n woke up around eight in the morning sharply, a routine she has every day. Another routine was she was always in an empty bed. Her husband no where in sight. She sighed, she knew he wasn't going to be there but she had hope.

 She got up and got ready making her way to the kitchen. She cooked herself breakfast and then sat alone at the big, empty table. She ate slow, barley taking bites at all. She honestly didn't feel like eating, she told herself that she wouldn't let Augustus not being home bring her down, but she can't help but feel a huge pit in her stomach.

 She placed her face in her hands. Her eyes were getting wet as guilt swelled in her stomach, thoughts paced her head: was this the marriage she wanted? A lonely solitude until the unseen setting sun set and her husband found his way back from work?

  She then jumped as a hand was placed on her shoulder. She turned herself around and stared in disbelief. There stood Augustus holding flowers and a look of sympathy. 

 "You really thought I was gonna miss your birthday, darlin'?" He said, pulling her up for a hug.

 She burried her face in his chest, "I thought you had a big meeting and a lot of work?" 

 "I went in early and finished my work, as for the meeting I moved it to next week." He set down the flowers and stroked her hair, "I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner."

 "It's okay, you're here now." She said, looking up at him. He gave her a kiss on the forehead. 

 "I have a pile of presents waiting for you at the door." He smiled down at her.

 Her eyes lighted up as she zoomed to the door, Augustus chuckled and followed after her.

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