Chapter 7

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Location: AtlantaGa
Sosa Pov:
So today I was released from the hospital which meant war . We was going to get back at that niggas today because they wouldn't expect me to get out and make a move right then and there . Everybody met up at the backup trap including the people that worked for us . I started to explain the plan so everything can be in motion . Rell , Keem & ken y'all go with Kb & ty through the back door and kill everyone in sight . Mel , tony & saint y'all get that nigga leek , take him to the abondon house near the woods stay there until I arrive .  Quan , taye , mike , go on they block kill ass many niggas as you can . Murda you coming with me everybody else stay here and make sure nobody get in or out . Ite y'all load the cars up make sure you get in the car with the people I grouped you with .  Also don't fuck this up cause I won't hesitate to kill you .
Kb pov :
We entered through the back I pulled my glock from my waist and went on rage mode along with the others I wasn't stopping until everybody inside they trap was dead  . I kept shooting until all the people was dead  .  Well I thought all then was dead  "kb watch out behind you said keem " I turned around an empty the whole clipped as dude body jerked back
Saint pov :
We ran inside trying to avoid getting shot . We soon made our way upstairs and grabbed a sleeping leek I shot him in his knee to wake him up . Then we carried him to the car as we made our way to the abandoned house . Whole ride there I was just thinking bout the others I hope everything go ass planned .
Murda Pov:
" Call kb and tell her have everyone met her back at the trap so she can dismiss them then her and ty make their way here " said sosa as we pulled up to the abandoned house . We walked in and seen a bloody leek chained up .  Sosa sent Mel and tony back to the trap with others so it was just me him and saint as we waited for ty & kb to arrive . Sosa went into rage mode I had never seen this sosa before it was like they released a demon . " who told y'all to come do this ? " asked sosa as he stuck a needle into leek leg . It was your parents they told us to make they kids suffer they wanted y'all dead .
Kayla Pov:
When walking in the abandoned house I couldn't believe my ears . Why would they want to harm us ? It's already bad enough they left us to suffer and barely survive . The thought of then wanting us to suffer more filled my mind and I wanted them dead ASAP .  We asked leek a few more questions before emptying the clip on him . His lifeless body layed there as we called some of the workers to clean this up .
Skippp car ride...
I walked up stairs went to my connected bathroom and started the shower. I turned on dark clouds by rod wave the stripped and got into the shower washing all off the blood of my body . After washing I stood standing under the water for about 10 mins just thinking. I then did the rest of my hygiene then got into bed . I couldn't sleep for nothing so i texted saint .
               Slp with me ? I can't slp ☹️
Yeah I'm coming
I clicked through Netflix as I waited for him I turned on  riverdale . 5 mins after he walked In the room and got into the bed . He Pulled me on top of him allowing me to lay my head on his chest .  I then drifted off to sleep .

A/N : Waddup yall👋🏽.  Anyways i might make them official soon idk yet  & next chapter the others will finally met ahki ( Murda) girlfriend & I will let y'all know more about what sosa and ty got going on but I'm finna gts so don't forget to vote if y'all want j me to update byee 💤

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