Will you be my boyfriend?

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Entoan sighed as he sat down on a barstool. He ordered a pint of beer and looked down, avoiding any social interaction. He had finally found a nice, albeit small and crappy, apartment. He had a small job at a café as a waiter which had low pay but was money. The male sighed as he remembered his teenage years, filled with abuse, beatings and hurt. He sighed again and downed his beer. Memories of the precious hours flashed through his mind. His girlfriend was cheating on him and he only just found out. They had a fight before she left and went off with his dude. Tears filled his eyes and he ordered another one.

As the night went on, the male had long since felt the warm buzz he got from alcohol. He continued to down more bottles of beer without a care in the world.

~Dlive POV~

I watched the small black haired male who was at the main bar, ignoring my friend's general chat. They were talking about relationships but right now, I couldn't care less. The male looked stunning. He had perfect hair which swept across his head perfectly. He donned a black hoody and skinny jeans. When he turned to look at the door, I saw that he had piercings. He had snakebites and a piercing at the top of his eyebrow. He was the complete definition of hot.

He continued to drink throughout the night, slowly getting drunker and drunker. I felt sorry for him but I felt too nervous to speak to him. Ohm must've noticed I had zoned out, because he tapped my shoulder. I looked back at everyone. Minx and Ohm had decided to bring us to the bar to drink before going to Ohm's house to party. Ohm, Minx, Krism, Felix, Cry, Ken and Wade all looked at me worriedly.

"Hey, what's the matter Dlive? You zoned out there." Ohm watched me curiously as he spoke, obviously finding it odd that I had stopped listening. I'm usually always paying attention. I pointed to the man I had be staring at and started explaining.

"I was watching him. He looks hot and I was curious about why he was drinking so fast." Minx grinned and laughed. They all know I'm gay and they all accept it which is good.
"Go speak to him! Me and Krism are rooting for ya!" Minx said this loudly and a few heads turned.

I thought for a couple of seconds before nodding confidently. However, on the inside, I was worried. I got to the male and sat next to him.
"Hey, I'm Dlive." I saw him turn to me and noticed his eyes were slightly unfocused.
"I-I'm -hic- Entoan." He slurred this, showing he was drunk but he still spoke pretty clearly.

We spoke for a while before he asked if we could go get some fresh air. I nodded before ordering a large water and paid for the drinks the male had consumed. I nodded to my friends so they knew I was going out before I escorted the gorgeous male out.

When we escaped into the cool, crisp night, I saw that the man I was with had these cute little freckles that covered the bridge of his nose. I smiled at this before handing him the water and getting him to drink it. The cold sobered him up slightly which made me feel relieved.

"So, why were you drinking so much?" The male frowned and shook his head, making it obvious that he didn't want to talk about it. He wasn't a lightweight with alcohol apparently because he was still coherent after the amount he had drank. We chatted some more before he looked at me. I saw something flash through his eyes before he leaned in and kissed me.

After the shock had registered, I kissed back, causing him to sigh into me. He tasted like beer but right now I couldn't care less. It felt right. As if we had known each other for years, not just a few hours.

Once we had piled back, he held a hand over his mouth before running off. I took after him before I saw him slow down. I sped up and caught up to him. He was panting and wheezing when I got there and he completely ignored me. Then, out of the blue, he collapsed and his breathing slowed someone. I widened my eyes and call 9-1-1 (I think that's how you call an ambulance in the US), following the instructions they have me.

~Entoan's POV~

I groaned as I woke up. I could hear a steady beeping and muttering in the corner of the room. My head hurt showing I had drank a bit last night.

I opened my eyes but immediately shut them as the bright light penetrated my vision. I sat up and heard a gasp before hands helped me to sit up. My vision slowly returned and I found I was in a hospital room. A doctor was stood there, talking to a man I didn't recognise. A nurse crouched next to me and asked me questions. But, I ignored them, too focused on the stranger in the room.

He was hot. His stubbly beard went perfectly with his soft face. He had perfect hair and his eyes were striking. He had a small frown on his face, showing he was concerned.

I frowned as I noticed the man looked familiar. I racked my brain for an explanation as to why the male looked familiar before memories of the previous night entered my brain. I remembered everything that happened and I felt a blush rise to my cheeks.

I felt a gentle nudge and I turned to look at the nurse. She smiled and spoke softly.
"We'll be letting you leave now. That man there was with you when you passed out so we want you to go with him. He's going to look after you for the rest of the day, to make sure you're alright."

The male came over and smiled. "I don't know if you remember but I'm Dlive. I'm going to be looking after you so if you're ready to leave, we can go." I nodded and stood but fell into the male due to a bout of dizziness. He chuckled and helped to escort me out of the hospital.

We walked in silence for a while before I spoke.
"S-sorry about last night. I was stressed and didn't mean to-" I cut off and looked away but quickly shot my gaze back to him.
"It's fine. I enjoyed it." At that moment, I smiled for the first time in forever. He liked the kiss.

~One Month Later~

I smiled and looked at my roommate Dlive. He was playing a video game and he looked utterly adorable. I couldn't tell him this but I had a crush on him. He was gay as well but he said he had a crush on someone he know. Deep down, I wanted it to be me but I wouldn't say that. I frowned and looked down, lost in thought.

I didn't even notice him pause the game and come over until he was in front of me. He was smiling nervously when I looked at him, an adorable little blush littering his cheeks.
"Entoan, I know I've only known you for a month but it feels like I've known you forever. Since that first night, I've felt something grow and... Entoan, will you be my boyfriend?"

My heart stopped before starting again, beating faster than a hummingbird.
"Yes!" I flung my arms around his neck and we kissed. Everything felt so perfect and I loved it.

~The End~

A/N- So, what do y'all think? I'm pretty proud of it. Also, I'm sorry for not updating my other fanfics. I've had no inspiration but I've got some ideas for my Krinx one so keep an eye out!

<3 Thanks guys~

Will You Be My Boyfriend? (A DlivEntoan Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now