BULIMIA 🌁 [ 🚱 ]

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Pls read the description before reading, thank you ❤️ - 🚱
Btw there's some mistakes, I'm sorry 😭

" I'm not hungry, " Hana pushed her plate to Beel as she stood up slowly, excusing herself from the dining room.

Beel took the plate happily , gobbling up the 37th plate this morning. Satan sighed, he wondered what was going on with Hana ever since Lucifer and her had started dating. She didn't eat her food often, and when she did, she would eat a lot, and go to the toilet shortly after. It concerned him, but whenever he brought the topic up, Hana would use lame excuses to leave the room, or would change the subjects smoothly.

Was Lucifer hurting her?

" Hey, don't you think Hana is acting weird? " Satan asked his five brothers, Lucifer working in his room.

" Yeah, Rai has been giving me all her food, she's so kind~ " Beel said through his chewing.

Asmo sighed
" If Lucifer is mistreating her, I would gladly take her~ " Asmo said, rather happily.

*hana's room*
Hana looked at herself in the mirror, taking a few steps backwards to see her full body, and then pacing back closer to see the scars on her face. Hana sighed as she sat down on her bed, looking at the mirror a second time. Her body was becoming skinnier and thinner every day, but she wasn't satisfied. How could she be able to stand beside Lucifer like this? She looked like nothing compared to Lucifer, his skin smooth and his eyes a beautiful red. Her eyes and hair was a boring brown. She heard people gossiping about her last May, and couldn't stop thinking about it. She had started to unconsciously refrain from eating, a little happier whenever she lost weight. Realizing that she had eaten a meal before breakfast, Hana went to her mancave, her room toilet.

Knealed down in front of the toilet, Hana pushed two fingers, then four, ito her mouth, reaching to the back of her throat. She bit onto her knuckles as she purged, the food in her vomit barely recognisable. Wait, lol, was that Mammon's credit card? Oh, right. Niya asked Hana to hide the credit card from Mmmon because she wanted his attention, and Hana decided to swallow it. After fishing out the credit card, she flushed the toilet, retreating back into her room.
Lucifer walked into Hana's room as she laid on her bed, feeling drained out and tired.

" Hana, I'm going to the- " Luicfer paused abruptly as Hana collapsed while walking towards Lucifer, who had his arms out to embrace his beloved girlfriend.
Lucifer was shocked, but acted quickly to carry her to her bed. Thinking it was a normal human cold, Lucifer got some cold towels and started to dab on Hana's forehead. Should I cool down her body too? Lucifer thought about it, and decided it was for the best. He pulled up Hana's jacket, blushing when he saw the slightest bit of skin. Rather than the plush skin he saw and felt last month during their first tiem ;]]]]] , he saw dry and rough skin, ribs showing clearly.

Is this, Bulimia? The disorder where a person purges because of his or hers insecurity? Is this why Hana had been wearing lose jackets, that way, it didn't show her body?
A while later, Hana woke up to Lucifer, who was sitting by the edge of the bed, his eyes reddened. Was he crying?

" L-Luci- " Hana stopped when Lucifer pulled her into a tight hug.

" Why didn't you tell me? " Lucifer asked, his voice shaking.

" I felt that i wasn't worth being with you," Hana said, looking down at her fingers. She had made him worry again, she was such a nuisance.

" Hana, if it weren't for you, I never would have resolved with Satan. You're funny and kind, you make me the happiest man- demon... in the world. " Lucifer said firmly, but lovingly.

Hana couldn't hold it in. The first set of tears rolled on her cheeks, followed by bubbles of tears after. She had been waiting for him to notice, and for him to comfort her and hug her. She didn't like those girls flocking around Lucifer. She wanted his attention everyday. She hugged him tighter, her sobs echoeing throughout the room.

4 July 2020

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