Chapter 1

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Here I am listening to the farewell ceremony speech. In one way I am happy that I am completing my schooling. Not because of all those fantasy about being free and independent in college. I am for sure not an average teenager who believes in those superstitions. I never want to be that person because being independent comes with lot of responsibility and I am too lazy for it. From being bullied to being a respected person ('yes by a respected person with my karate chop') I have learned a lot.

My name is Lyra

I live in Mumbai, India with my parents Mark and Elsie. My father is a criminal lawyer while my mother is a teacher.

I started learning martial arts at the age of 5. Because I was bullied by a boy telling me I look like a stick which he could break any moment. And that fired me. That's what I say but I was literally forced by my Dad. Yes, not the wise one I know, but later I really became wise that you call me the Mother Teresa of 21st century. Now let's get to the respect part. It was when I was in grade 10. The bullying continued all those years and I effortlessly hid my superpower (the Mother Teresa part). Until the day my best friend Athira was bullied for being with me. And guess what happened, I knocked the guy out and ended with a detention for a week. And that ended the bullying. I am not saying violence is the solution, it's just that their bullying was not extreme for me to complaint them. And being a nerd with a 180 IQ was kind of great too.

That's my great Autobiography.

Wow what great luck, the speech ends exactly as my nostalgia ends.

Athira: Hey, what are you day dreaming about? Come on lets go. It already ended.

Lyra: Of course, I am talking to myself about my valor and my beautiful heart.

Christo: Whatever weirdo. We have a farewell to plan. Come on.

Athira: Now where is Ishana?

HERE (shouts a strangled voice)

Lyra: Did you guys hear that? (Looks around). Oh my god is that Ishana getting pushed away by the crowd.

Christo: Ha ha ha, that's hilarious.

Athira: Come on let's go through the back door. She will eventually come out.

[They walk and reach the park near the school which is their unique hangout spot. Christo starts laughing all of a sudden pointing to a direction. The others turn to that direction and do the same]

Ishana: How dare you guys laugh at me after not saving me from those bulldozers?

Christo: Oh is that the new trend. What happened to your hair?

Athira: Wow you look exactly like 'The Nun' with that rundown makeup.

Lyra: Oooo, that's relatable.

Ishana: Go to hell you idiots. It's the last day. Why God why? Why me?

Lyra: Stop, you drama queen. Our official farewell is tomorrow. Let's plan for that.

Christo: what's there to plan? Let's go out, eat, eat and eat again and sleep.

Athira: That sound's fair enough.

Ishana: Alright. Tomorrow at 6 p.m. Got it.

Christo: I am going to miss you guys.

Ishana: Yes me to. What am I going to do without you people?

Athira: Freaks (mumbles to herself)

Lyra: You guys realize that we all live in the same street right.

Athira: Come on Lyra I can't tolerate their stupidity anymore.

We started walking as the school is near to the place we live. Ishana's house is the first, then after two houses its Christo's and again after two houses mine and Athira's house opposite to each other. Perks of having childhood friends. We wish goodbye as we reach our homes.

After reaching home I searched for yogurt since I was hungry and found nothing. Anyway I wanted to buy sweets for my friends so I thought of visiting the supermarket quick.

It was a 10 minutes' walk in the opposite direction of the school and our houses. It's a very peaceful place where we live in with no traffic and good scenery. I pulled my hoody up since it was a little bit cold. I was singing songs out loud and after two songs I reached the supermarket. I greeted the cashier who was a middle aged woman and went to hunt for foods. I was busy selecting from the different flavors of Nabati. Suddenly their yelled a loud voice and I froze scared.

"Put your hands up" said an unknown voice from my back

"You are under arrest for kidnapping" it continued.

I got irritated. Who in the right mind will yell at someone like that in a supermarket and accuse someone of kidnapping. This must be a prank. I turned and started to scream angrily.

Lyra: "You better tell me it's a stupid prank..."

I froze after what I saw. There were actual police holding their gun at me.

OK, now I am scared. What the hell is going on?

---At that time she didn't have a clue of what she had gotten herself into---


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