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You woke up at 6 as you quickly showered and changed into your uniform. You grabbed your phone, house keys, and backpack as you walked out your house. You walked down the street towards Kageyama until a girl wearing the same uniform approached you. You stopped as she stood in front of you making Kageyama look up and quickly walk over.

"P-Please Join the Girls Volleyball team" she says bowing making you widen your eyes then smile
"I'll give you an answer after school alright?" You say as she smiles big and nods before quickly running away
"You gonna join?" Kageyama asks as you shrug
"I miss the ball slapping at the palm of my hand sometimes" you say as he nods as you both walk towards the gym now
"Morning" both of you say walking into the gym
"Morning" they all say
"Are you gonna say yes?" Daichi asks as you raise an eyebrow
"To?" You ask as he chuckles
"The Girls team silly" Sugawara says as you shrug
"She's gonna give them an answer after school" Kageyama says as you nod
"If you say yes we won't mind alright?" Daichi says as you nod smiling

~Time Skip~ Lunch

You were walking to the vending machine with Kageyama as you carried your bento. You sat in the grass under a tree as you ate as Kageyama laid his head on your lap drinking his milk.

"Zumi-San" you hear as you and Kageyama spit out your drinks as you both know who said that
"Are you ok?" You ask Kageyama as he nods as he sat up as you both turned to see the Aobajōsai team
"Uh?" You say as
"Shittykawa dragged us here to see if your alright" your brother says taking your bento and eating the rest as you sigh at him
"Why?" You ask as Kageyama helped you stand up
"Cause you haven't joined a team yet!" Oikawa whines
"Do you have a leg fetish?" You ask as he blushes and looks away as Hanamaki and Matsukawa bust out laughing
"Why would you ask that?" The boy with dirty blond asks
"Girls shirts are way smaller then the boys and the shirts are smaller also" you say as they each blush a little
"Correction that's just you cause your chest is big for the shirt and the yeah the shorts are smaller then ares" Your brothers says as you flip him off as he smiles
"Are you joining a team?" Kunimi asks as you shrug
"She got asked today to join but she will give her answer after school" Kageyama says standing next to you
"Join" Oikawa says
"Why" you say smirking
"Cause I said so and cause I was see your spikes along with sets..........and cause your legs are amazing" Oikawa mumbles the last part making your brother smack him
"I'll go back to school you drawing attention and your missing class" you say as they nod walking away
"Speak of the devil and he shall appear" Kageyama mumbles as you giggle
"Stop that Yama. We have to get to class" you say but you were then tackled into a hug
"SHITTYKAWA LETS GO" Your brother say yanking a whining Oikawa off you
"Lily your skirt" Kageyama says looking away with a blush on his face as you quickly pull your skirt down blushing also
"Bye Lu-Chan/Lulu" Oikawa and your brother say smiling as you wave bye
"Now let's go to class" you say as Kageyama nods

~Time Skip~

You were walking to the girls gym as when you entered there was only 5 girls. You raised an eyebrow as you then walked in as the girl from this morning saw you and rushed towards you.

"Im sorry I cant I'm a Manager for the boys but I can always help you all but....where's everyone else?" You ask as she scratched the back of her neck
"They barley show" she says
"You have their numbers?" You ask as she nods
"Lemme see your phone" you say as she hands you her phone as you text all the members then hand it back
"What you type?" She asks
"That there's an emergency" you say as she widens her eyes when the rest of the members show
"What's wrong!" Another girl asks
"Are you part of the girls volleyball team?" You ask as they nod making you narrow your eyes
"Then act like it and show up to practice and train" you say angrily as they widen their eyes at you but nod quickly as rush to change
"H-How?" She asks
"I have a scary brother so I picked up a few things" you say smiling as she awes at you
"Wait I know you. You in the sports magazine next to Ushiwaka" a girl says as they all widen their eyes as you nod
"I'm actually friends with him. But yes I'm in that magazine for a reason" you say
"Why?" Another girl asks
"Cause I'm like him I have strong Spikes and Perfect sets. My spikes are as strong as his maybe even stronger. My Sets are as Perfect as Sh-Oikawa maybe even more Perfect" you say as they widen their eyes
"H-How?" A girl asks
"I practiced hard. I trained everyday until I couldn't or until my whole body was sore. But I accomplished it int he end and became #1 in the Girls top Aces in Japan along with Setters" you say as they all had stars in their eyes
"That's amazing" another girl says as you smile
"If you wanna go to nationals this year then come to practice everyday and I'll help you all" you say smiling
"Wait do you play just Ace and Setter?" A girl asks
"I play all but I'm perfect at the Ace and Setter" you say as they nod

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