chapter nine

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Dear Friend,

Tristan Humble was actually a pretty cool person, you know, when he wasn't trying to sleep with you. He was fairly fast, and had a wicked sense of humour. We got along pretty well, and soon my "play-dates" with Riley were just to go over and hang out with Tristan. Mean, yeah I know, but I think that she actually planned it, because she never had any problem with us being together, in fact, she seemed to try to put us together as often as possible. I soon discovered that Riley had been bribing Tristan into her little experiment of "Lets-turn-this-loser-into-a-popular-person!" When he asked me out that winter, I of course said yes, I after all, had never had a boyfrined, and didn't know what the standards were, to me, it was just, more than a best friend.

We went out for a total of two days. After he found out that i didn't even know what sex was, he lost all interest in me, it didn't matter that we had become friends at lunch or free time, all he was after, was girls willing enough to lose their virginity to him. In the third fucking grade. Yeah, distugsting.

But Riley was determined, to make me popular, even after Tristan's and I's break up, which devestated a good half of the grade that were under Riley's evil command. She tormented me into plucking my much loved, boyish uni-brow, and using my ice cream truck money on lip gloss. A whole entire $8 was WASTED. On Hanna Montana Strawberry Bliss lip gloss. I didn't even know what Hannah Montana was until the fourth grade! So anyways i guess you can say her little makeover worked. On the outside at least. on the inside i was still the quirky, freckle faced, expert-on-making-mud-pies-with-your-feet girl from before.

Riley seemed to realize that it would take more than lip gloss to convert me around third quarter, and as her intrest in me thinned out, it let shine to a whole new side of her that nobody knew about...

'Ahrgh! I don't even know why I bother! You are hopeless Ashley Shold. You will never be cool like me!" She screamed  at me as she threw small trinkets at me from the other side of her bedroom. I ducked a littlest pet shop turtle and replied "It's ASH, not ASHLEY, and I never asked for any of this! I was perfectly happy with my life before you came along trying to turn me into a mini-you!" I yelled back

"Then i suppose you'll be fine without me! Because this was the last straw, telling ME to be nice to that dweeb Zach? You can't do that! You're not the boss of me!" She screeched, hurling a teacup. I lunged out of the way as it shattered right where I had been a second before, and ducked out the door shouting behind me "WELL WHAT THE HECK MAKES YOU THINK THAT YOU'RE THE BOSS OF ME YOU CRAZY JERK?!?!?!?!" And that, was the official end, of our relationship. But just the beginning of the bullying and heartbreak to come.

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