Chapter 1

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I felt the tension in the room as I made my way down the hall, my brother at my side. We had been preparing for this meeting for weeks, and everything had to be perfect if the plan was going to go smoothly. All the high Lords has responded that they would be there. I looked up at my brother, he held his head high the dark crown of onyx and amethysts sat lightly on his head, he wore it since the day father had not returned home to Hybern. I looked forward again as the doors opened to reveal the circular table and the high Lords and Lady of Prythian.

I looked at each of them before me and my brother bowed low to the ground, my dark amethyst dress pooling around me. As I rose I noticed that some of the Lords and the Lady of night has bowed their head as well. I kept my face neutral as me and my brother slid into the last empty seats at the table.
"So what is it you both want?" The high Lord of the night court said, his night kissed voice sent a shiver up my spine.
"We want to make up for our father's mistakes and form an alliance with you all," my brother said coolly beside me. I constantly wished I could be as calm as my brother, but never could.
"Mistakes! He started a war for cauldrons sake!" The high Lord of spring yelled, his golden hair bounced as he shot to his feet. "And how are we to know you won't turn on us?!" He pointed at my brother. I shrank back in fear of this out burst from him. My brother only levelled the Lord's glare.
Then something growled a warning from the shadows behind my brother's chair. All the Lords stared at my brother as he let out a small  whistle and his shadow wolf padded out of his shadow. He scratched the wolf behind the ear to tell him that he was alright.
"If it makes you feel better, why not get to know us. Have us spend time in your courts so you can keep an eye on us," I suggested. My brother turned to be cause this wasn't part of the plan.
And the response I got was exactly what I expected, an absolute not from almost all the Lords. "That would be interesting," the high Lady of the night court caught me by surprise. She looked down the table at me, "You too will spend a month in the night court then we'll decide if you are truly trust worthy".
And that was that. The rest of the meeting me and my brother stayed quiet as the high Lords decided. And by the end, Night, Day, and Dawn decided that they would allow us the spend a month each in their court. The seasonal courts would decide after our time in the other three courts.

My brother was quiet the whole walk back to our room. He finally turned to me as the door shut behind me. "I don't know if I should be pissed or proud of you," he said. He sighed before pulling me into a hug.
We stayed like that until a knock sounded at the door. My brother pulled away and pulled me behind him, his dagger in hand and he opened the door to the cocky feline grin of the high Lord of the night court.
"Ready to go?" The high Lady asked stepping up beside the Lord.
"One minute please," my brother said before he turned and went to bedroom to grab our bags.
I stayed standing in front of the high Lord and Lady of the night court, not knowing if I should feel honoured of terrified. I definitely felt both and more as I spotted the two Illyrians standing behind them. I swallowed hard then relaxed as my brother was once again at my side.
He nodded at them as the high Lady extended a hand to both of us, the high Lord going for the Illyrians. The Lady's hands were soft as she gripped mine. Then we all windowed to the night court.

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