Chapter 5: Things Go Right

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I felt like the third wheel.

Awkwardly at the diner parking lot, I pretended I wasn't trying to hear what Zeke was saying to Reggie in hushed voices. Reggie was giving Zeke a disapprovingly looked.

Peeking at them, specifically Zeke I noticed he still had his hood up, but his hair peeked out a bit and his sharp facial features were hard not to notice. I thought vampires would be pale, but Zeke's skin tone was olive colored. 

"It's not safe for you." I hear this from Reggie, who is not amused at all. In fact, he is staring daggers at me right now.

I feel like I needed to defend Zeke here. He was in trouble because of me. I took a step forward, trying to hide behind Zeke's frame.

"Hey, don't blame Zeke. He's just helping me out."

Reggie's jaw clenched. "He shouldn't even be here or have gone to Werewolf's Den in the first place. That isn't the place for him."

Zeke gave Reggie another unknown look. It was like they just knew how to converse by their eyes. I don't know what was going on between them, but the air was filled with tension. 

"He handled himself fine," I said.

Zeke beamed, crossing his arms smugly. "See, Reg? I can handle myself just fine. No need to worry."

Reggie pinched the bridge of his nose. "I never will understand the way you think."

"Me either," Zeke agreed cheerfully.

"I wonder..." Reggie trailed off, giving me a look of annoyance. "What do we need to do for you so Zeke can get out of here?"

Uh. My eyes widened at this sudden hostility.

"Reggie..." Zeke's tone was in warning.

Between the two, I don't know who'd win in a fight, but my bet went with Reggie. Although there was something about Zeke that was simmering underneath. A sense of authority.

"Am I wrong?" Reggie pointed at me. His dark eyes looked like they could fry me alive. I inwardly shivered. This is what Helda meant when she said vampires were dangerous. Was Zeke going to save me from this scary guy? Would Reggie be the one to eat me? He looked like he hated my guts. Reggie was going on, still glaring at me. "You should fix your own problems. Don't bring them on others."

"Enough," Zeke commanded, low, but his tone was authoritative . There was such a finality to it, it made me stand a bit straighter. Fortunately enough this caused Reggie to not talk anymore.

"Very well." Reggie vanished without a trace.

I will never get used to how vampires can do that.

"Hey if it makes Reggie feel better maybe you should just leave me," I said to Zeke. It was a fun ride, but I didn't want to get in between....whatever that was.

"Reggie doesn't get to decide what I do." Zeke sighed looking at me. "Didn't you say? Friends don't leave each other behind."

The excitement bubbled that I made a new friend. There was no way I was going to admit to him that I too did not know how to make friends. I just grew up with Lou and Skye. We were friends by default. A small coven, so you knew everyone and were kind of stuck with each other. Unlike me, Skye had thousands of online friends whereas Lou easily met people. Yes, he was a vampire, but he was also a witch. That counted for something. I feel like I could trust him. He just defended me against the scary Reggie.

The Vampire Prince (Stryders #2) PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now