Chapter 14: Without Something

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We're already 14 chapters in?? *nervous laughter*




There are times in your life when you think you're going to die. When your life flashes before your eyes. Being stuck in a Ferris Wheel is one of the times, I imagine. For someone like me who hates anything that has to deal with heights.

Being against Zeke's chest, hearing his heartbeat was somehow calming for me. Hearing the rumble of his chest as he talks on the phone with Reggie also did it for me. It was kind of nice. When I was, you know, not thinking about how high up I was.

"I'm waving right now. Do you see me?" A pause. "No, we'll just wait it out and see what happens. Nothing will happen. Yeah go tell that guy. Try not to scare him though." Zeke hung up the phone with Reggie. "You're hanging in there? You sure you don't want me to jump us out of here?"

It would be so easy. "Truth be told, I don't think I can even move at this moment. What if the wheel breaks off and we start rolling?"

"That would be something for the books."

"I'm serious!" I exclaimed, now opening my eyes and lifting my head to get a better look at Zeke. He was already looking at me.

His eyes seemed to be glittering. Like gemstones.

"Hm?" Zeke asked me, those gorgeous gemstones looking down at me.

"What?" I coughed, face flaming, using his hard chest to hide myself. Did I just say that out loud?

"What are like gemstones?"

Yup, I definitely said that out loud.

"J-just talking to myself." Might as well make him think I'm weird like I actually am. I peek at him, and he was looking to his side, lips quirking upward.

"Always in your own world. I'd pay to read your thoughts."

"They're nothing worthy."

"Disagree." Zeke says it so simply, it's hard not to believe it.

Maybe because of how he said it, with such conviction, I had to spill out my thoughts to him. "You know...What the seer said about me..." I couldn't stop thinking about it. "It's just that the thing is, I don't remember anything up till I was like 6 years old. Helda found me wandering alone in the forest, looking like I just came from a bloody bath. That seer is right. I am lost. I don't know who I am. Who my parents are, where I'm from. I try not to think about it much, but do my parents ever wonder where I am? Did they just leave me? Did they get murdered? All the questions and what ifs are too much for me, so it's just easier to not think about it."

"Right now, do you think you're lost? This moment in your life?"

"I want to believe I'm not," I whispered. But those are lies I like to tell myself.

"Then, that's all you can do. Realize it day by day how you're not lost. You have purpose. Goals and aspirations in life."

My goals and aspirations? "What if it's wanting to not feel so lost anymore?"

"We'll work on it then."


I liked the sound of that. A little too much.

The Vampire Prince (Stryders #2) PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now