Fifteenth Name: Miss Fortune and Mister Angel

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As Bakugo and Eri walked into the store, they immediately heard the sounds of weird screeching noise coming from the near end of the store. Bakugo covered Eri's ear and led her away from the screeching.

'This is more worse than swearing,' he thought.

As they made their way to a section that Eri liked, Bakugo spotted Tsuyu looking at something interesting. He had a feeling of surprising her, but she turned around and saw him instead.

"Oh Hallen!"

Bakugo and Eri walked up to her. Eri was holding a large multi colored lollipop in her hand. Tsuyu kneeled down to her.

"You want that one?"

She nodded. Tsuyu then glanced back at Bakugo.

"Go buy it for her," she whispered.

"...I can't."

"Why not?"

He looked to the side.


Just then, all of them heard a loud shrieking sound from the opposite side of the store. Bakugo covered her ears as she looked from side to side.


Tsuyu blinked her eyes.

"What's wrong with that?"

'She is unfazed by that?'

Tsuyu then glanced to the side.

"Are you scared of the singing?"

"That was singing!?"

She sighed.

"Well, you wouldn't want to hear the good singing."

"Why not?!"

Tsuyu gestured him over.

"I'll show you."

Bakugo and Eri both followed Tsuyu to the opposite side of the store. The screeching/singing became louder until it came to a stop.

"Oh!!!! It's May!"

The person who was 'singing' ran over to Tsuyu and hugged her tightly. Bakugo and Eri were surprised.

'She gets hugged way too much,' Bakugo thought.

The person then let go of Tsuyu and looked at the two people next to her.

"These are your friends?"

Tsuyu nodded. Bakugo glanced at her.

"Why did she hug you?!" he whispered.

"I think she likes me," Tsuyu replied.

The person then put their hands on their hips.

"I'll introduce myself."

She smiled.

"My name is Jale, and my quirk is Miss Fortune."

Jale's Quirk: Miss Fortune

She is able to heal people with her singing voice, but her singing is horrible.

'No wonder...but why expose her identity like that?'

Bakugo looked to the side.

'Another 'Miss' quirk? Are they related?!'

Just then, a beautiful singing voice came into play. It sounded quite nice, but Tsuyu covered her ears quickly.

"May?! What are you doing-"

Just seconds later, screams from all over the store started to rise. Bakugo 

and Eri fell to the floor.

"What the- why do I-"

"It's because of me."

Another person walked towards them. And he stopped singing. Tsuyu sighed.

"Let's settle this outside."


"So your name is Nash Kendal, and your quirk is..."

"It's called Mister Angel."

Nash's Quirk: Mister Angel

Can damage people with his singing, his singing is beautiful.

Bakugo could see the connection but...

'This is so messed up!'

Tsuyu came back with Eri and the items she bought.

"Did you introduce yourself yet?"

Bakugo nodded confusingly. Tsuyu sighed.

"So why did you become 'friends' with them?!"

She looked to the side.

"They said that they have a clue on the criminal Mr. Whatshisname referred to."

Bakugo was shocked.

"Really?! They're not bluffing?!"

"Probably not."

Tsuyu took out her phone.

"I asked Fay-e about it and she said I could bring them."

'And I think they have a relation with the M5 Law...'

She looked at the bag of 'fish food' she bought.

"Let's go."


On their way back, Bakugo poked Tsuyu on the side.

"How did you befriend them?!"

Tsuyu looked at Bakugo.

"They were interested in me first."

As they got back to the park, Faye waved ahead of them.

"Hey! You're back!"

She then spotted the 2 unique strangers.

"Nice to meet you! My name is Faye!"

And in just a second, Faye and Jale clicked from being strangers to friends. Tsuyu looked from side to side but she couldn't find Ray.

'Where is he?'

Tsuyu then remembered what had happened at the shop.

'Many people were looking at me strangely when I was looking at the fish. I was so distracted that I couldn't find the criminal.'

Tsuyu then left Eri to Bakugo.

"May-y! Where are you going?!"

"I'll be back soon!"

Tsuyu rushed over to Leigh Lake and opened her 'fish food.' As she dropped it into the lake, dozens of fish started to eat the food. Just a second later, she received a text from her phone.

'I knew it.'

She looked at her phone.


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