Chapter 1

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He stood there. Being handed his papers. Exitment tingled in his hands. He was about to see the girl who stole his heart. The one who Rhydian had left the wild for, and fought over with his mother.

He followed Jefferies down the corridoor. The sounds of shoes sqeaking filled his ears. Smells that he remebered so well filled his nose: fish batter and chips, cleaning products and sweaty boys! As thw walked past the stink of the changeing rooms filled his nose. And as much as he hated it, he loved it.

Following Jefferies tge apperaed outside his tutor room. Rhyfian took one big breath in. His hands began to sweat as he entered the classroom.

At first no one noticed him, until the first gasp was made by Shannon. Then Tom. But Rhydian couldn't see the person he was looking for, Maddy. He searched the room but still couldn't see her. Until her scent hit him.

By this time half the calss had noticed him. He looked around. No Maddy. Then the sound of a familiar laugh filled his ears. There sat, with her back to him, Maddy. She was surronded by boys. Slowley soneone nudged her causeing her to look around.

This wadn't the Maddy Rhydian remebered. Long dark purple hair tumbled down to her waist. A short skirt, that was way over the limit, showed of her thighs. Fishnet tights accompined that. Her make-up was strikeing. A thick line of eyeliner cobered the edges of her eyes. A dark purple lipstick covered her lips, which matched her hair. Mascara coated her lashes. Her eyebrows filled in. This wasn't the Maddy Rhydian knew.

Slowly, Maddy made her way towards Rhydian. He began to open his arms for a hug...he couldn't be more wrong. In one swift movement Rhydian was knocked to the floor.

"Madfy Smith!" Jefferies shouted over the 'ohhhing'.

I lay there, numb. Shannon apperaed by my side. She took me to the nurses office to get cleaned up. "So.. a lot has changed?" I smile, trying to be light-hearted.

"Yeah..." Shannon sighed slowly.

"What happened?" I ask as we walk down the corridoor.

"After you left Maddy became...depressed I guess. She missed you. Anyway, at school she stopped talking to me, and Tom. She stopped hannging out with us. Then after school we never saw her. After a while she just stopped coming to school. Some say she went on holiday." Shannon looked over the yard where Maddy now sat with her group of 'friends'."After school break she came back, eventually. But she had new hair. New style. She didn't want to talk to me and Tom anymore, she shut us out. She was a new girl."

Finally Shan looks at me. I can't help think she blames me, although I do. "We lost her now." I stare at Shannon. How could she say such a thing.

"No you haven't." But Shannon isn't listening to me.

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