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Today me and my best friend Zonnique were heading to the clinic to get checked up. We usually get checked up every Saturday but we're kind of one month late. Its October 12 2015. Friday. Last time we got checked up was September 5.

When we got to the clinic we both got tested for every disease you can name from having Sex.

The nurse told us to come back in a week so we can get our results.

When we left we went to Miccie D's to grab a bite.

"Welcome to McDonalds may I take your order" the worker said.

"Can I have a number 4 and she'll have a number 1"

"What drink?"

"A Sprite and Coke"

"Will that be all?"

I nodded my head

Then he started to look around like he was stupid or some shit.

" Nigga im hungry can I get my total so I can pay you"

"Your total will be 15.73 you ain't have to be so Fucking rude to a nigga"

I handed him a twenty and told him to keep the change

"Number 11"the same dude called

I walked up and grabbed our food.

"What's your name?" He questioned

"Miyah Bye" I said after I put my number on the counter

Real thot huh. Dude from McDonald's in multimedia

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