Chapter 6

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The Hikawa Shrine, placed on the lovely cherry hill temple, fortunately was not that far away, so Mamoru and Diana arrived when most of the action had taken place but the battle wasn't over yet.

Since Diana couldn't Mamoru convince that the Artemis T disguise would work, both had agreed to hide in a big tree which granted them a good overlook about the happening.

Diana frowned when she only saw Sailor Mercury and Luna standing at a crossing road in front of the shrine.

"Where are the others?"

"Well, I think they should come back from a different dimension any moment." Mamoru muttered under his breath while he had his gaze directed to Luna and Amy.

"Do you really think that we will find the Light of Hope today?"

Diana sighed by his question and gave him a sincere look.

"Frankly speaking, no, I don't have any clue but I am full of hope!" She winked at him and got up from her current position. "You know what? I'll go down to Luna and will watch the situation from their perspective."

Highly concentrated, she prepared herself to jump and with a high accuracy, she landed gracefully on the ground in front of the tree.

Mamoru stayed in his current hiding and while he was watching the situation he had been experienced already, he began to reflect the recent developments.

It had been a couple of months now since Mamoru and Diana had started to spend their life's in the past. So far they had been quite unsuccessful with their mission of finding Galaxia's Star Seed which could prevent the world to end up into pure chaos in the lifetime Mamoru actually emerged from.

That's why, Mamoru started to get more and more impatient with the whole situation as such.

The fact that he shared his life with Usagi now didn't make the situation easier as they were more living together as brother and sister, so far away from what Mamoru was really feeling for her.

It was more than sure that he couldn't stay away from her much longer. They were meant for each other and Mamoru didn't want anything else but his old life back. Somehow.

As he was deeply sunken in his thoughts, he didn't realize a gentle pressure against his leg at first.


This exclamation finally got him out of his reverie and he was more than surprised to see a little girl standing next to him on the branch.

She wasn't older than perhaps two years, had bright red curly hair, which was fumbled together into two heart shaped buns onto each side of her head.

Her eyes were as blue as the sky and if Mamoru wouldn't have known better, he would have said that this girl looked like the toddler edition of Chibiusa's assistant with the dark pink hair.

"Uhh...who are you?" He managed to utter through his face mask.

"Who are you?" The little girl repeated by smiling sweetly to him.

"Well, I asked first." Mamoru pursed his lips behind the white fabric.

"Asked first." He got as a reply.

"How could you climb up this tree?" He confronted the girl, already expecting a repeat of his question as an answer.

Instead, she remained smiling and pointed at a little folded white umbrella in her tiny hand. All of a sudden, she passed by him, took another three hops and opened the thing which rather now looked like a parasol.

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