Prologue: Fire

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[Tyrant- One Republic]


May 19, 2009

Ashes surrounded her, caused by the ignited flames from above. She hadn't remembered to put out the candle that she had light just before falling asleep.

"Mom!" The 15 year old girl cried out, storming into her mother's bedroom.

The girl was set into a frenzy of panic. If  she lost her mom, she would have nothing; no one.

As the girl looked around the bedroom, she didn't see her mom. The girl hastily picked up the covers, coughing as the smoke from the remaining rooms spread into the enclosed space.

Time. That's exactly what she needed, but alas it was not on her side, she was running out of it. She shook her head, trying to pry thoughts of what future guilt would come if her next decision.

The girl's coughing grew louder, more frequent as she exited her mother's bedroom. The girl started to wonder why there was no one coming to help. She lived in a busy neighborhood, everyone was always nosy.

She could hear the planks of wood drop to the floor from behind her. Her eyes widen, any adrenaline that she had to get out, gone.

The girl stood in place, in shock. She couldn't move no matter how much her mind was screaming at her to. She just couldn't leave.

Sirens were suddenly heard from a distance away. The girl's eyes welled up with tears, they were coming. They were going to help her and save her house.

That was when the girl got the willpower to move from her spot, just as the wood from above fell down. Her chest was heaving up and down, her mouth agape. She runs towards her front door, the sirens heard from just minutes ago, closer.

She said sorry to her mom, though she could not tell her directly, praying that she would find her way away from a tragic (possible) death.

The girl is convinced she is safe, making her pace to the door slower than it should be. She is worry free for just a few moments.

She pulls on the door handle to escape whatever fate was planned for her, but a log of wood falls from above her, still on fire.

She panics, if only I had been faster she thinks to herself.

The sirens are close, but they slowly come distant, a dreary feeling as the girl still struggles to get up from underneath the log.

Her face gets to close to the fire, her eyes practically blazing. She catches on fire to only be spotted by firemen moments later.

The dreary feeling comes back as she screams and cries for help.

It's just as they say, out of sight, out of mind.

-I have never been so excited for a story.
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