Hello, I'm back again. I took a break for some reason. But hey, I'm here and now in love with My hero Academia/Bnha, I think it's awesome.
But we are not here to talk about that, I wanna talk about this user- @FoxGirlGamer117 . She is claiming the art in here. And I'm sorry to say, it is hers, I apologise for being a theif. She accepted my apology and is okay to let me put her art in here. So here is her newest piece- Kirishima. Do go and check her out on DeviantArt- Her Username Is FoxGirlGamer117.I honestly think it's amazing. Please go check her out. https://www.deviantart.com/foxgirlgamer117/art/Kirishima-Bnha-Fanart-847672033?ga_submit_new=10%3A1593894331