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I promised myself I wouldn't do this until Rogue Crew was over but I couldn't help myself. Warning this story may contain Animal abuse and child abuse. As people who have read both stories will know this and as the animal abuse one well...people who know Crona's backstory will know what's up. Yeah, Medusa's parental skills make Endeavor look like A class parent.

Edit 2/1/2024: Fix some grammar and spelling mistakes


Crona looked up at the blue sky as they sat down on the balcony where one can look over the whole city. It was calm and peaceful; much different from how Crona was feeling at the moment. Anxiety crawled through his chest, but deep breaths seemed to help with the unwanted feeling. They made a mental note to thank Marie and Stein for teaching them that. Waiting was hard enough but the harder part was to explain himself to Maka.

Don't get Crona wrong, Maka was the kindest and nicest person they ever met. But once she sets her mind to something she sees it through. It's one of the things Crona likes about her. But now he has to convince her to let them go on this mission that he knows she'll reject. But he has too.

Crona stood awkwardly in the Death room. The last time they were here was during the battle with Asura, still recovering from Medusa's stab wound. But that was a month ago and things were peaceful once again for the most part. There is some trouble with evil souls still running amuck but nothing the DWMA can't hold.

Crona stood next to Maka and Soul. Maka reached a handover gently squeezed his shoulder and smiled. Souls copying the gesture. It makes Crona feel better. They were always supportive of them. Crona couldn't ask for better friends.

Black Star had a big grin and talked to Tsubaki about the mission, who was listening to every word he said. Patty talking about random stuff with her sister and Kid. Lord Death was standing patiently in front of the group... Meisters and weapons alike waited for Marie and Stein to arrive.

Crona heard footsteps coming from behind them and turned. They were greeted by the sight of Marie and Stein walked toward the group.

"Now that we all here let's get started." Lord Death started and everyone stopped what they were doing to pay attention to the god, "We found one of Medusa's old labs and it had a device that travels between worlds." That immediately caught everyone's attention.

"How is that possible? I thought traveling to another world was just a myth." Soul asked in disbelief.

"There are a vast number of worlds out in the multiverse but it takes an enormous amount of energy to travel one if you're not a god." His tone grew more serious as he continued, "However, it's forbidden for even gods to travel freely between the world; for a good reason. One cannot know if the locals are friendly, and Madness can infect other worlds as well. Plus, as I mentioned, it takes an enormous amount of energy to travel to another world. If you run out during transit you get lost in between the two worlds forever. Even witches don't dare to travel to others as a result." Crona wrapped themselves in one arm hug. They never knew about this device, but then again Medusa kept a lot of secrets from them.

"We look through her notes and not only did she make contact with another world, but we also have reason to believe she worked with someone called All For One in this other world on some sort of project. We are going to send an investigation team to find what this project is." Lord Death explained, and Black Star immediately volunteered.

"I'll go! I make this All For One ta-"

"No. You, Kid, and Maka have to stay here." Lord Death cutted the hyperactive teen off.

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