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Just the outfit and hammer! She's a stocky person, but still feminine. She's kinda chubby, she's got lovehandles but that's just more of her to love! That's why they're called lovehandles! She has brown hair and hazel eyes. She has her guild mark in black on her heart. She went to a tattoo artist and got them to put flames around it. She's missing a leg. She enchanted it to move normally, but she never covered it up. It still hurts her sometimes.

She is loyal and kind but can kick your ass. She is mischievous and likes pranks. She has a code, but nobody is quite sure what it is. She once kicked Natsu's ass so hard he was in the infirmary for 3 days, because he tried to attack somebody who was turned around.

Blacksmith, rune magic, draws her power from mainly Thor, god of thunder (she can also use lightning, it's a package deal bitch) but also other Norse gods and goddesses. She can also use other elements but it's quite draining. She's best with storm magic which is essentially just, lightning, thunder (sound magic), and water.

Connections with the Guild:
Makes Erza's armor. Is good friends with Laxus and the Thunder Tribe until they start pulling shit. Erza, Mira Jane, and Aoife are dating. Fairy tail dotes on her. She's also their master strategist.

Extra things:
Has a hammer that deems people "worthy." Is overly enthusiastic about everything. If you get her something soft and yellow she will cry.

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